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Пособие GRAMMAR WORKBOOK for beginners.rtf
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Part V Practice test

5.1 Which alternative is correct?

  1. It was a boring day. I … anything.

a) didn’t b) wasn’t do c) didn’t do

  1. … your own house when you were living in Sweden?

a) Had you b) Did you have c) Were you having

  1. It … snowing for a while, then again it began to snow heavily.

a) was stopping b) was stopped c) stopped

  1. I heard someone call my name while I … the door.

a) opened b) was opening c) was opened

  1. One day last October, I … a very strange letter.

a) did get b) got c) used to get

  1. Miranda … in Australia before her parents moved there.

a) never lived b) did never lived c) didn’t never lived

  1. I … my leg while running down the hill.

a) hurted b) was hurting c) hurt

  1. Rick didn’t hear the door bell. He … to music in his headphones.

a) listened b) was listened c) was listening

  1. Where … when I called you last night?

a) did you be b) was you be c) were you

  1. Simon left work early because he … a headache.

a) was having b) was have c) had

5.2 Open the brackets using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

  1. I (say) hello to him, but he (not hear).

  2. My German (improve) a lot after I (live) in Germany for six months.

  3. The woman (talk) on her mobile while she (drive) her car.

  4. She (not look) at the road when the lights (turn) red.

  5. We (not be) on the road when the accident (happen).

  6. How long he (be) Prime Minister?

  7. I (choose) that college because my best friend (study) there at that time.

  8. It (rain) and I (sit) comfortably on the sofa with a book.

  9. When I was in the shop, I (see) a pair of jeans that (not cost) too much.

  10. I (not do) my test, so I (decide) not to go to university.

5.3 Correct these sentences.

  1. Do you know exactly where you was born?

  2. I was turn round and saw Jim.

  3. The cows in Holland are famous for good milk and meat. People even builded a monument to a cow.

  4. How often did Alice cleaned her room when she was living with her parents?

  5. Why didn’t they be very happy when they were married?

  6. I entered the bank and saw that two people talked with the teller.

  7. They understood that they didn’t can control their child any more.

  8. The city looked very crowded when we visitted it.

  9. I tried to speak to the child who was crying and I was giving him a toy.

  10. It was 5 o’clock in the evening and Meg waited for her husband.

5.4 Translate into English.

  1. Почему ты вчера проснулся так рано?

  2. Что вы делали вчера вечером, когда я пыталась дозвониться вам?

  3. Ты был на дне рождения у Марка на прошлой неделе?

  4. Он рассказал мне свою историю и потребовал моей помощи.

  5. Было 10 утра. Я готовился к экзаменам.

  6. Мы поймали кота, когда он нес рыбу к двери.

  7. Пока Том звонил в полицию, я утешала его жену.

  8. Я не могла прийти к тебе, потому что мы переезжали в новую квартиру.

  9. Я думал, что твои друзья знали о нашем разговоре.

  10. Женщина улыбалась, когда она смотрела на свои старые фотографии.

Unit 3