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Пособие Материалы и технологии.doc
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materials science


technology n

техника; технология

fabricate v

создавать, изготавливать

man-made a


supply v

поставлять, снабжать

obtain v

получать, приобретать

trial-and-error method

метод проб и ошибок,

метод подбора

attempt n


depend on v

зависеть от

technique n

методика, метод

plastic n


application n


in order that conj

с тем чтобы

manufacture v

изготавливать, производить

part n


structure n


benefit v

извлекать пользу

improve v

улучшать, усовершенствовать

artificial a


aerospace n

авиакосмическая промышленность

expand v


sophisticated a


solve v


Materials science in the past and present

Materials science and technology are the study of materials and how they can be fabricated to meet the needs of modern technology. The science of materials covers all materials known to man, both natural and man-made (or modified by humans). However, materials science is rather a young discipline, it has received recognition only in the second half of the twentieth century.

First, this science was descriptive. It supplied lists of industrially important materials with properties or special characteristics attached to each material. When a new material with required properties was needed, it was obtained by a trial-and-error method. The number of attempts before the successful one depended mainly on luck.

Materials are evolving today faster than at any time of history. Using the laboratory techniques and knowledge of physics, chemistry and metallurgy, scientists are finding new ways of using metals, plastics and other materials. In recent years the relation between materials science and mathematics, materials science and computer engineering has been growing.

In the past, an engineer often needed to consider only one material or a class of materials for a particular application. But now different classes of materials compete for consideration, in order that a manufactured part or structure can be as inexpensive, or as light, or as long-lasting as possible.

Society benefits through the use of improved materials. Artificial hearts, shatterproof glass and bulletproof vests save lives, lightweight cars conserve energy. New materials and technologies applied in aerospace and computer engineering in the 20th century incredibly expanded human horizons. In the 21st century a new generation of sophisticated materials promises to reshape again our world and solve some of the planet’s most pressing problems.


attached pp – приложенный

evolve v – развиваться

long-lasting a – долговечный

shatterproof a – небьющийся

bulletproof a – пуленепробиваемый