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Пособие Материалы и технологии.doc
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combine v

соединять(ся), сочетать(ся)

oxidize v


ore n


reduction n


burn v


allotropic a


occur v

встречаться, происходить

that is

то есть

coal n


lignite n

лигнит, бурый уголь

peat n


coke n


charcoal n

древесный уголь

carbon monoxide

окись углерода, угарный газ

reducing agent


remove v


commercial acid

техническая кислота

limestone n


blast furnace

доменная печь

pig iron

чугун (доменный)

detrimental a


eliminate v

удалять, устранять

react (with) v

вступать в реакцию (с чем-л.)

1. It is important to know some of the properties of O2, H2, C, S because

a) they are active.

b) they combine with all elements.

c) they are used in metallurgy.

d) they are widespread.

2. What is not true about oxygen according to the text?

a) It forms oxides with all elements.

b) It easily combines with many metals.

c) The process of its combination with a substance is oxidation.

d) Oxides are substances in different states.

3. Hydrogen

a) is as light as oxygen.

b) is at the very beginning of the Table of Elements.

c) in pure state is contained in acids.

d) has a tendency to combine with oxygen which is called reduction.

4. According to the text:

a) carbon occurs in one form.

b) coke and charcoal can be found in nature.

c) the amorphous forms of carbon can’t be found in nature.

d) carbon is a very widespread element in nature.

5. Which information can’t be found in the text?

a) Sulphur is an amorphous element.

b) Sulphur combines with oxygen.

c) Sulphur compounds may be poisonous/harmful.

d) Compounds of sulphur can be reduced under certain conditions.

Characteristic Features of Some Elements

It is necessary to know some of the properties of the elements playing an important part in metallurgy. These elements are oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, sulphur.

Oxygen is a very active element. The action of oxygen upon another element consists in the union of the two elements to form a compound. When an element combines with oxygen, the resulting compound is known as an oxide of the element. Some of the oxides are gases, others are liquids or solids at ordinary temperatures.

Oxygen combines with most of the metallic elements, particularly when they are heated. Oxides of metals when found naturally are called ores.

The action of oxygen upon compounds is similar to its action upon elements and usually consists in the union of oxygen with one or more of the elements present in the compound. In some cases the compound as a whole unites with the oxygen. When any substance or any of its constituents combines with oxygen, the substance is said to be oxidized, and the process or change that takes place is called oxidation.

Hydrogen is the lightest substance known. The element has a strong tendency to combine with oxygen. This tendency is sufficiently strong for hydrogen to take oxygen away from metallic oxides. This process is called reduction. Pure hydrogen when burnt with oxygen produces a very high temperature. Combined hydrogen is contained in all acids and hydroxides.

Carbon occurs in several allotropic forms. When the same element occurs in different forms, these forms are called allotropic. Diamonds and graphite are crystalline forms of pure carbon. Carbon is also found in amorphous forms, that is, forms that do not have a definite structure. The amorphous forms of carbon are very abundant and include coal, lignite, and peat. Coke and charcoal are amorphous forms of carbon that are manufactured artificially.

At ordinary temperatures all carbon forms are very inert, but at high temperatures they all burn forming carbon dioxide, or, in a limited supply of oxygen, carbon monoxide. At high temperatures carbon acts as a reducing agent removing oxygen from the oxides of many metals. This is essentially the process of reducing metals from their ores.

Sulphur is found free in nature and in the combined state. Sulphur itself is pale yellow in colour, has a melting point of about 115ºC and burns in air to SO2. It is a necessary constituent of sulphuric acid, the most important commercial acid.

Compounds of sulphur occur in iron ores, in limestone, and in coal. They are largely reduced in the blast furnace, however, some sulphur finds its way into the pig iron in the form of FeS and MnS. Sulphur is a detrimental constituent in most cases and must be eliminated as completely as possible. This can be done by causing the conditions to be such that the sulphur reacts with CaO to form CaS.


FeS [´ef ´es]; MnS [´em ´en ´es]

1.19. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the text above.

a) The element has a strong tendency to combine with oxygen.

b) Hydrogen is the lightest substance known.

c) Pure hydrogen when burnt with oxygen produces a very high temperature.

d) This process is called reduction.

e) This tendency is sufficiently strong for hydrogen to take oxygen away from metallic oxides.

1.20. a) Read the text again to find phrases with -ing forms. Write them out, find out their functions (a noun, an adjective or Participle I) and translate them. For example: the resulting compound (Participle I) – получающееся (в результате) соединениe. b) Passive verbs are typical of technical texts. Find all the passive verbs and their subjects in the text and translate them.

1.21. Sometimes the subject and a helping verb of the predicate (predicate – сказуемое) in a subordinate clause are omitted:

when used


when they are used

при использовании

as said


as it is said

когда говорят

if using


if we are using

при использовании

Other kinds of such a construction are:

if time, where necessary, when a child/at University, as stated above, though said before.

Find two examples of this grammar structure in the text above and translate them.

1.22. Fill in the right prepositions (at, under, of, to, into, in) and translate the sentences. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1. This assumption holds true … certain conditions. 2. The collisions of molecules become violent … high temperatures. 3. A common gas such as air or hydrogen is made up … molecules which are electrically neutral. 4. The gas engine converts heat … mechanical energy. 5. They are interested … this technique. 6. We will not apply any force … the object. 7. The material will be subjected … intense heat. 8. By adding heat to a solid body we transform it … a liquid. 9. This book is devoted … the selection of materials. 10. The gas molecules consist … two atoms.

1.23. Read the following English proverbs, translate them paying attention to -ing forms. Give their Russian equivalents. Which of the proverbs do you like best?

  1. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  2. Doing is better than saying.

  3. Seeing is believing.

  4. A good beginning makes a good ending.

  5. A clear hand wants no washing.

  6. Let the sleeping dog lie.

  7. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

  8. Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.

  9. By asking one comes to Rome.

1.24. Test yourself. Choose the best answers from a–d for the questions in the tests below.