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Англ. мова 1 курс м/с, Ф. Ортопед. стоматол..docx
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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Match word-сombinations and their translations. Use them in the sentences of your own.

  1. balance of chemicals a. спричинити зміну

  2. abnormal functioning b. здолати вірус

  3. to cause a change с. тривати короткий час

  4. to contract a disease d. функціонування з відхиленням

  5. to combat virus e. баланс хімічних речовин

  6. acute illness f. підхопити хворобу

  7. to last for a short time g. медична допомога

  8. chronic illness h. вражати людину

  9. medical care i. хронічне захворювання

  10. to affect a person j. гостре захворювання

II. Give opposites of the following.

Ancient; complex; good; unpleasant; to hate; abnormal; disorder; acute; short; rapidly; long-term; disability; the best; possible; worsening; discomfort.

III. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements to make them true.

  1. Our bodies are simple, delicate, biological machines.

  2. Our bodies can adjust to the changes in the surrounding conditions.

  3. When some organ system fails, a person feels well.

  4. Disease is something that causes changes in people’s health.

  5. Infectious disease can be spread from person to person.

  6. Diabetes mellitus is an acute disease which results from the body’s inability to handle sugar properly.

  7. Chronic illnesses usually begin rapidly and may last for a lifetime.

  8. If a cure is impossible, then the purpose of treatment is to control the symptoms and to prevent worsening of the disease.

IV. Complete the definitions with names of medical specialists.

    1. A doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating allergies and asthma.

    2. A physician who specializes in disorders of the heart.

    3. A doctor who specializes in diseases and problems of the skin.

    4. A doctor who specializes in disorders of the stomach, intestines and liver.

    5. A doctor who specializes in the study of blood and blood-forming tissues.

    6. A surgeon who specializes in the diagnoses and treatment of cancer.

    7. A doctor dealing with the care of the eyes and in the prevention of eye diseases.

    8. A doctor who specializes in disorders of the lungs.

    9. A person who studies and applies the principles and science of nutrition.

    10. A person who studies animal and human behaviour.

    11. A doctor who specializes in diseases and trauma that require operative procedures.

(Surgeon, Psychologist, Pulmonologist, Allergist, Dermatologist, Cardiologist, Oncologist, Hematologist, Ophthalmologist, Gastroenterologist, Nutritionist)

V. Learn some idioms connected with parts of the body. Use them in the sentences below.

to break one’s heart – to upset someone greatly

to save one’s skin – to save someone from danger or trouble or embarrassment

to keep one’s fingers crossed – to wish good luck for someone

to have itchy feet – to be unable to settle down in one place

to put one’s back into something – to work very hard at something

to have eagle eyes – to see or notice things more easily than others

to give somebody the cold shoulder – to ignore somebody deliberately

to have swollen head – to become proud because of recent success

  1. When she gave her opinion, he didn’t like it and … .

  2. Tony will help us find a lost prescription, he’s got … !

  3. Sue … after telling her husband about the divorce.

  4. The worker tried to … without thinking about other people.

  5. It’s my first operation, I’m nervous, so … .

  6. Now Larry is a head nurse, she is so proud. In fact, she has … .

  7. Daniel … into study at medical school and got good results.

  8. Ann’s going off travelling again, she … .

VI. Fill in the gaps with reflexive pronouns: myself, himself, herself, itself, yourself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

  1. The man fell … Nobody pushed him.

  2. The abnormal condition improved … .

  3. I have cut … while shaving.

  4. The policeman shot … by accident.

  5. You must take care of your health … .

  6. You should protect … from bad emotions, Tom!

  7. The parents blame … for what has happened to their child.

  8. Did they refuse … to visit the doctor?

  9. The boys hurt … when they fell off the bike.

  10. Ann burnt … with a hot iron.