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Англ. мова 1 курс м/с, Ф. Ортопед. стоматол..docx
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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

Відвідувати заняття; обговорювати доповіді; самостійна робота; надавати перевагу; мати в розпорядженні книжки та журнали; позичати книжку в бібліотеці; здавати іспити; екзаменаційна сесія; кваліфікований спеціаліст; обласні та міжнародні конференції; відповідні умови; займатися спортом; спортивна секція; словниковий запас; кухня; туалет; будинок відпочинку; спортивний табір.

II. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements to make them true.

  1. Student’s life is as much interesting as intense and strenuous.

  2. Our tutors and lecturers attend classes, make notes of all the lectures, present reports and discuss them at their seminars.

  3. The less we work during the term – the easier it will be to pass our exams at the examination sessions which we have at the beginning of each term.

  4. Many students participate in scientific researches at the university chairs.

  5. A modern specialist is to be able to read foreign literature to draw the latest information necessary for work.

  6. Students of our university don’t receive scholarship and are not provided with hostel accommodation.

  7. After examination session our students have vacation which last for two weeks in summer and two months in winter.

  8. Students of the university are given all possibilities to work and to rest.

III. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns some, any, no.

  1. There are … faculties at the university.

  2. Are there … lecture halls in this building?

  3. … scientific articles have already been written by this student.

  4. What department do … foreign students study?

  5. You can take … medical book at the students’ scientific library.

  6. Do … students carry on scientific investigations?

  7. There are … students in the laboratory. It is empty.

IV. They say that it is a poor soldier who does not want to become a general. Name the steps of the social ladder which a student must pass to climb up to the position of the rector. Use the words from the list below, placing one word

on the step.

(Dean, assistant lecturer, head of department, vice-rector, associate professor, assistant professor, subdean, professor).


Grammar Exercises

I. Make questions to which the words in bold type are the answers.

  1. He was ringing you up the whole day to ask about our homework in Anatomy.

  2. My elder sister takes an active part in the research work to become a lecturer.

  3. There are some students from Malaysia at the university.

  4. My group-mates took part in amateur societies of the university.

  5. Next term Nick will live in a two-bed room of the students’ hostel.

  6. It is necessary to attend classes every day.

  7. We’ll be studying anatomy the whole weekend.

  8. These students came from Jordan and India.

  9. All hostels of the university have central heating.

  10. Nelly is telling some interesting facts from the university life to this foreign student now.