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(By, to, of, at, in, on, with)

  1. Oral cancer can develop … any part … the oral cavity or oropharynx.

  2. The choice of treatment depends mainly … your general health, where … your mouth or oropharynx the cancer began, the size …. the tumor, and whether the cancer has spread.

  3. … any stage of disease, people … oral cancer may have treatment … control pain and other symptoms, to relieve the side effects of therapy, and to ease emotional and practical problems.

  4. Cancer cells that enter the lymphatic system are carried along … lymph, a clear, watery fluid.

Exercise 9. Translate into English:

1. Багато ракових хвороб починається в язиці та на дні ротової порожнини.

2. Ракові клітини також розповсюджуються у інші частини шиї, легень та інші частини тіла.

3. Найчастіші симптоми раку ротової порожнини є різнокольорові плями, кровотеча у роті, важкість або біль при ковтанні, гуля у шиї.

4. Лікування раку ротової порожнини може включати хірургію, радіаційну та хіміотерапію.

5. Типи раку, які починаються з галетних елементів звуться карциномами лоскутих клітин.

Exercise 10. Give a summary of the text.


1. ... cancer is part of a group of cancers called head and neck cancers.

a) jaw

b) brain

c) chutta

d) oral

e) lung

2. This kind of treatment is called supportive … , symptom management, or palliative care.

a) treatment

b) care

c) therapy

d) medication

e) nursing

3. …. patches sometimes become malignant.

a) yellow

b) green

c) blue

d) white

e) red

4. Oral cancer can develop in any part of the oral cavity or …

a) mouth

b) orolarynx

c) stomatopharynx

d) oropharynx

e) nose

5. Red patches (erythroplakia) are brightly colored, … areas that often become malignant.

a) even

b) plain

c) slick

d) straight

e) smooth

25. Writing a summary складання summary


Exercise 1. Topical vocabulary:

To condense стисло викладати

Strict rules певні правила

Specific конкретні

Statement твердження

To summarize підсумовувати, резюмувати

Technique спосіб

To mention згадувати, посилатися на

Paragraph абзац

Passage уривок з книги (тощо)

Quotation цитата

Hint натяк

Title = Headline заголовок

Overall idea загальне уявлення

To underline підкреслювати

Meaning значення

Essential необхідний, істотний

To find out зрозуміти

Thesis положення

To be devoted to бути присвяченим

To deal with розглядати (питання)

To describe описувати

To review оглядати

To stress підкреслювати

To point out вказувати

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text:

Writing a summary

The purpose of a summary is to condense a long text into only the most important points. Since the original text is too long to quote, students need to summarize. The most difficult component of summarizing for students is moving away from the original text and using their own words to restate the information.

Summing-up is a technique that follows strict rules:

1. The original text is cut to about one third.

2. Only the main ideas are mentioned; that means that no examples or repetitions are allowed.

3. Specific statements are combined to form general statements.

4. Direct or reported speech is changed into statements, with the exception of very important quotations.

When you have to sum up written texts follow these hints:

1. Preview the article (read the title, subtitle, headings, first paragraph, first sentence of the following paragraphs, and the last paragraph. Get an overall idea of what this article is about. This is when to use your dictionary. Look up unknown words that seem to be important from your preview.

2. If necessary look at special passages of the text in order to make clear that you've got all the main ideas.

3. Take a pencil and underline the most important words.

4. Write down key-words, i.e. words that sum up the meaning of the text, but which needn't necessarily occur in the text.

5. Sum up the key-words in simple sentences.

6. Compare the original text with your text to find out that you've got the essential information.


For most of the articles your summaries should be not less than 200 words nor more than 250 words.

Remember the phrases which will help you in summing-up:

1. The headline of the article is ...

2. The article is written by the ...

3. The article is about...

is devoted to...

deals with...



reviews ...

4. It should be noted


pointed out that...



Exercise 3. Make summaries of the following texts:

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