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History of dentistry

The first known dentist was an Egyptian named Hesi-Re (3000 B.C.). He was the chief toothist to the Pharaohs. He was also a physician, indicating an association between medicine and dentistry.

At about the same time there was also the first evidence of a surgical operation in Egypt.

Though the contribution of the Greeks was mostly on the medical side, the ancient Greek physicians, such as Hippocrates, Aristotle wrote about dentistry, advised cleaning of teeth, described extraction forceps, stated that consumption of sweets produce decay.

The first use of dental appliances or bridges comes from the Etruscans from as early as 700 BC.

The Romans were not especially gifted in their dental art. They borrowed their medicine from the Greeks and restorative dentistry from the Etruscans.

But there were several physicians who made a great contribution into the dentistry.

Archigenus recognized pulpitis, invented the dental drill to open into pulp chamber.

Galen was the first to recognize that a toothache could be pulpitis and pericementitis. He classified teeth into centrals, cuspids and molars.

At the onset of the Middle Ages, barbers became physicians and dentists. Their practice was limited to extracting teeth which relieved pain and chronic tooth infection.

In the 14th century, French surgeon Guy de Chauliac was first to coin the term dentator and dentists. The English term dentist came from his original terms.

He also invented the dental pelican (resembling a pelican's beak) which was used up until the late 18th century.

Before restorative dental care was popular (or possible), the only treatment for dental pain was extraction of the teeth, resulting in partial or complete edentulism. Unfortunately in those times there were no materials or techniques for making good dentures.

But in 1400 Giovanni de Arcoli was the first to fill teeth with gold.

In 17th century French physician Pierre Fauchard started dentistry science as we know it today, and he has been named "the father of modern dentistry".


Exercise 6. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations and make 5 sentences of your own:

Терапевтична стоматологія, приводити до часткової беззубісті, хронічна зубна інфекція, великий внесок, вживання солодощів, Середньовіччя, наявність, руйнування зубів.

Exercise 7. Skim the text and look for the answers to the following questions:

  1. Who was Hesi-Re?

  2. What is Greeks contribution into the dentistry?

  3. What were the Etruscans famous for?

  4. What famous Roman dentists do you know?

  5. Who invented dental drill?

  6. What was Galen’s discoveries?

  7. Who coined the term “dentist”?

  8. What did the treatment of teeth usually result in?

  9. What was Giovanni de Arcoli’s invention?

Exercise 8. Choose the proper continuation of the following sentences:

  1. The first known dentist was …

  2. … wrote about dentistry, advised cleaning of teeth and extractions, described extraction forceps and so on.

  3. The first dental appliances were used by …

  4. Galen classified teeth into …

  5. Archigenus invented …

  6. … invented the dental pelican.

  7. In ancient times the only treatment for dental pain was …

  8. Pierre Fauchard has been named …

Exercise 9. Translate sentences into English:

  1. Стародавні римляни запозичили деякі вміння етруських дантистів, проте нічого особливого до них не додали.

  2. Римський лікар Архиген вперше описав ознаки пульпіту і винайшов особливе свердло, котре він використовував для проникнення в зубну порожнину.

  3. Відомий французький хірург 14 сторіччя Гі де Шоліак ввів термін "дантист”, удосконалив зуболікарські щипці та став пломбувати зуби золотом.

  4. Проте аж до 17 століття зуболікування зводилося переважно до видалення хворих зубів, яким найчастіше займалися не медики, а цирульники.

  5. Як медична спеціальність, стоматологія зародилася в Європі лише на межі 17 і 18 сторіч.

Exercise 10. Give summary of the text.


1. The exact time of dentistry appearance is …

a) about 2000 year

b) unknown

c) aproximally 700 years

d) not defined

e) 500 years

2. … recognized pulpitis, invented the dental drill to open into pulp chamber.

a) Hesi-Re

b) Giovanni de Arcoli

c) Archigenus

d) Galen

e) Aristotle

3. The first evidence of dentistry being practiced as far back as 7000 BC was found in …

a) Egypt

b) Pakistan

c) China

d) Greece

e) Roman Empire

4. The first use of dental appliances or bridges comes from … from as early as 700 BC.

a) the Greeks

b) the Romans

c) the Etruscans

d) the Egyptians

e) the Japanese

5. … invented the dental pelican which was used up until the late 18th century.

a) Giovanni de Arcoli

b) Archigenus

c) Guy de Chauliac

d) Pierre Fauchard

e) Galen

6. The legend of the worm …in the writings of Homer.

a) founds

b) is found

c) founded

d) was founded

e) was found

7. The only treatment … dental pain was extraction … the teeth, resulting … partial or complete edentulism.

a) of …by … of

b) for … on … for

c) in ... in … in

d) with … from … by

e) from … of … from

8. At … barbers became physicians and dentists.

a) ancient times

b) medieval times

c) nowadays

d) prehistoric times

e) the times of Roman Empire

9. Pierre Fauchard … "the father of modern dentistry".

a) was named

b) has been named

c) is named

d) names

e) named

10. The Romans borrowed their medicine from … and restorative dentistry

from …

a) the Greeks

b) the Romans

c) the Etruscans

d) the Egyptians

e) the Japanese

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