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Teeth malformation

When baby’s permanent teeth erupt it may happen so that front teeth are crooked or protruding. This condition is known as malocclusion and the treatment is to improve the appearance and function by repositioning the teeth.

Crowding must be due to insufficient room for all the teeth. It usually arises from heredity of a jaw which cannot accommodate all 32 permanent teeth. So the teeth become crooked. Early extraction of carious deciduous molars may also contribute to the crowding in these cases.

Protruding upper incisors may arise from inheriting of a jaw relationship in which the upper teeth are too far forward relatively to the lowers.

Prominent lower jaw is the condition, in which the chin is unduly prominent, is due to inheritance of a jaw relationship in which the lower teeth are too far forward relative to the uppers. It usually leads to the condition when lower incisors bite in front of the uppers instead of behind them.

All these abnormalities сan make the appearance unattractive and the treatment is necessary also to eliminate stagnation areas and help to prevent development of caries and periodontal diseases.


Exercise 6. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations and make 5 sentences of your own:

Успадкування прикусу, аномалія, усунути області застою, непривабливий, в співвідношенні до, молочні зуби, висунуті верхні різці, завдяки, видалення зубів.

Exercise 7. Find in the text:

  1. synonyms to the words: extremely, result in, replace, milk teeth, unsightly look, top, contain;

  2. antonyms to the words: permanent teeth, improve, crooked, unattractive, prevent, lower

Exercise 8. Look through the text and answer the questions:

  1. What are the most widespread types of teeth abnormalities?

  2. What is the aim of stomatological treatment in malocclusion?

  3. Why should the abnormal teeth be repositioned?

  4. What is the cause of crowding?

  5. What may protruding upper incisors arise from?

  6. What condition is known as “prominent lower jaw”?

  7. What is “prominent lower jaw” due to?

  8. What problems may appear if malocclusion is left untreated?

Exercise 9. Approve or contradict the following:

  1. Malocclusion is the condition in which jaws are of different size.

  2. Crowding must be due to inheritance factor.

  3. There are 30 teeth in the jaw of an adult.

  4. Early extraction of carious deciduous molars may also contribute to the protruding upper incisors..

  5. Protruding upper incisors may arise from inherited small size of the jaw where there is not enough place for all the teeth.

  6. In malocclusion the treatment is to avoid cavitation.

  7. Prominent lower jaw is the condition, in which the teeth are seen between the lips.

Exercise 10. Translate into English:

  1. Скупчення зубів – це проблема дітей 13-14 років, коли прорізаються усі постійні зуби, а щелепи ростуть недостатньо швидко.

  2. Одним з найпростіших методів усунення скупчення зубів – є використання брекитів.

  3. З кожним роком частота патології прикусу постійно зростає через вживання м’якої їжи, тому що наші щелепи не отримують достатнього навантаження.

  4. Погані звички в дитинстві можуть бути важливим фактором аномалії розвитку зубів.

  5. Така звичка в дитинстві, як смоктання пальців, може привести до тимчасового зміщення фронтальних зубів.

  6. Дуже часто аномалії розвитку зубів пов’язані зі спадковістю.

Exercise 10. Tell in details about:

  1. Crowding;

  2. Protruding upper incisors;

  3. Prominent lower jaw.


  1. Early extraction … carious deciduous molars may also contribute … the crowding in these cases.

  1. in … of

  2. by … in

  3. of … to

  4. with … by

  5. from … from

  1. … may arise from inheriting of a jaw relationship in which the upper teeth are too far forward relatively to the lowers.

a) Prominent lower jaw

b) Protruding upper incisors

c) Supernumerary teeth

d) Malocclusion

e) Crowding

  1. A complete lack of tooth development is called …

  1. hypodontia

  2. anodontia

  3. polydontia

  4. hyperdontia

  5. microdontia

  1. Prominent lower jaw leads to the condition when lower incisors bite … the uppers instead … them.

  1. above … under

  2. in front of … of behind

  3. under … above

  4. behind … in front of

  5. lower … upper

  1. Gemination occurs when a developing tooth incompletely splits … the formation of two teeth.

  1. by b) of c) in d) to e) from

  1. Crowding appears when a jaw … accommodate all 32 permanent teeth. So the teeth become crooked.

  1. mustn’t

  2. shouldn’t

  3. may not

  4. can’t

  5. couldn’t

  1. Tooth abnormalities … according to whether they have environmental or developmental causes.

  1. should categorize

  2. may be categorized

  3. must be categorize

  4. may have been categorized

  5. is categorized

  1. If you have a bad toothache, you … address to the doctor.

  1. can

  2. should

  3. must

  4. may

  5. have to

  1. The doctor … the results of your analysis to make a correct diagnosis.

  1. can

  2. may

  3. must

  4. should

  5. ought to

  1. You … to summarize and analyze all findings of your observation.

  1. should

  2. must

  3. have

  4. can

  5. may

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