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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

  1. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення:

  1. спалах інфекцій верхніх дихальних шляхів

  2. сухий кашель та озноб

  3. лікувати вторинні інфекції

  4. потребувати медичного втручання

  5. виникати внаслідок бактеріальних інфекцій

  6. кашель з жовтувато-зеленим мокротинням

  7. закладеність носу та хворе горло

  8. спалах захворювання

  9. потребувати медичного втручання

  10. інфекції вух та носових пазух

  1. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:

  1. What kind of disease is flu?

  2. What types of influenza do you know?

  3. What are the symptoms of flu?

  4. How can flu symptoms be relieved?

  5. What prognosis can be made in case of flu? What complications may appear?

  1. Дайте визначення: грип


Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary.

afebrile, adj

[ei 'fi:bril]


bacillus (pl. bacilli), n


бацила, паличка

become delirious


стати шаленим, божевільним

сlenched, adj


міцно стиснутий

draw up,v





виникати, випливати

height of disease


розпал (пік) хвороби

lessen ,v


скорочувати, зменшуватися

lockjaw, n


тризм щелепи, правець

nightmare , n


кошмар, жах, страшний сон

opisthotonus, n

[ou 'pisətonəs]


protruded (lips)


випнуті (губи)

seizure, n


приступ, напад, припадок

trismus, n


тризм ( судорожне зціплення щелеп )

vague, adj


нечіткий, неясний, туманний

Exercise 2. Read the words paying attention to the rules of reading:

c,s,t, before ia, ie, io [  ]

Position, sufficient, remission, initial, patient, urination, expression, artificial, potential, incubation, special, infectious, facial, essential, permission, insufficient, motion, deficiency.

Exercise 3. Form the words with the help of negative prefixes. Translate them into Russian:

- dis: like, function, connect, agree, locate, place, continue, section, solvent.

- ir: regular, responsible, relevant, resistible, radiation, reversible, reducible.

- im: possible, practical, mobile, moral, balance, maturity, potency, purity.

- un: necessary, reliable, fortunately, consciousness, dress, infected, mixed.

- mal: formation, nutrition, occlusion, position, treatment, presentation, rotation.

Exercise 4. Read the words with the same root. State the part of speech and translate them into Russian:

Face – facial, slow – slowly; connect – connection; pelvis – pelvic; compose – composition; rapid – rapidly; base – basic; recover – recovery; remove – removal; survive – survival; tender – tenderness, restless – restlessness; breath – breathing.

Exercise 5. Translate the following word combinations:

Incubation period; infectious disease; typical facial expression, urination; in case; to gain entrance into the body; painful spasms; characteristic picture; angles of the mouth; severe headache; masticating muscles; severe pain; attack; fever.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the sentences with construction: one (ones), that of (those of).

1. The condition of patient V. is worse than that of patient C.

2. The number of the vertebrae in the coccyx is less than the number of those in the back.

3. The bones of the lower extremities are longer than those of the upper ones.

4. This lecture is more interesting than the one I attended last week.

5. The walls of the left atrium are thicker than those of the right.

6. Some muscles are more elastic than the other ones.

7. I will examine your patient and that of Dr. Ivanov.

8. The wards in the new hospital are better equipped than those in our old one.

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text: