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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення

  1. спіралевидна паличковидна грамнегативна бактерія

  2. виразка шлунку та дванадцятипалої кишки

  3. сприяти рецидиву виразки

  4. погіршувати біль в шлунку

  5. надмірне споживання алкоголю

  6. нестероїдні та противозапальні препарати

  7. уразливий до шкідливої дії кислоти

  8. відчувати болісний ниючий та пекучий біль

  9. затримувати процес загоювання

  10. піддаватися лікуванню

II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання:

  1. What ulcers are called gastric duodenal and ulcers?

  2. What lifestyle factors are believed to cause ulcers?

  3. What is the primary cause of ulcer development?

  4. What are the most common ulcer symptoms?

  5. What should people with ulcers avoid?

III. Розкрийте поняття: виразки


1. When the ulcer is in the stomach, it is called a …ulcer.

a)Gastric b)renal c)ocular d)hepatic e)costal

2. Smoking …

a) speeds up the healing of ulcers b)facilitates the ulcer healing

c)prevents ulcer recurrence d) decreases the chances of getting an ulcer

e)contributes to ulcer recurrence

3. The most common ulcer symptom is a … pain in the abdomen between the breastbone and the navel.

a) gnawing b)pressing c) sharp d) irradiating e) boring

4. The treatment of ulcers includes…. medication.

a) anti-inflammatory b) antibacterial c) antipyretic

d) antiemetic e) anti-ulcer

5. In most cases, anti-ulcer medicines heal ulcers … .

a) quickly b) slowly c) progressively d) spontaneously e) suddenly

6. Eradication of H. pylori … most ulcers from recurring.

a) prevents b) have prevented c) prevent d) to prevent e) preventing

7. Pain may … a few minutes to a few hours.

a) last from b) last on c) last out d) last in e) last for

8. Constant fatigue … to the onset of gastritis.

a) consider to contribute b) is consider to contribute c) considered to contribute d) considers to contribute e) to consider to contribute

9. Factors suspected of playing a role in the development of stomach or duodenal ulcers are

a) the Bacillus tetani b) specific organisms bacilli diphtheria

c) the Plasmodium malariae d) Helicobacter pylori

e) the human immunodeficiency virus

10. Stimulates acid secretion in the stomach … can aggravate the pain of an existing ulcer.

a) which b) what c) who d) whom e) whose


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

alternate adj


чергуватися, замінятися,

bloating n


здуття живота, метеоризм

burst v



complication n



constipation n



fecal debris n

['fi:k(ə)l] ['deɪbriː]

калові продукти відходу (залишки)

incision n


розріз, надріз;

lethargy n


летаргія, тривалий сон; млявість,

lump of feces n

[lʌmp ɔv 'fi:si:z]

калові маси

mortality n



navel n



obstruction n



retention n



rule out v

[‘ruːl ˈaʊt]

виключати (можливість тощо)

rupture n



tenderness n


чутливість, хворобливість

Exercise 2. Form the following new words and translate them into your native language:

Model: translate – translation, establish - establishment

-Y: bone, blood, health, sleep, taste, water, noise, dirt.

-MENT: enlarge, impair, develop, achieve, treat, require, involve, measure.

-TION: complicate, obstruct, constipate, inflame, operate, examine, observe, prevent.

-NESS: weak, deaf, ill, red, tired, restless, tender.

Exercise 3. Form the new nouns with the meaning “inflammation”.

Model: appendix – appendicitis

Retina, sinus, esophagus, parodont, meninges, pulp, bronchus, myocardium, gingiva, thyroid, conjunctiva.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following sentences:

  1. Retention – затримка

The retention of urine is one of the clinical manifestations of a kidney disease.

  1. Mortality – смертність

In untreated cases, mortality is high because of the risk of rupture leading to peritonitis.

  1. Tenderness – хворобливість

The patient complained of a moderate tenderness on palpation.

  1. Remove – видаляти

The surgeon removed the tumor which had involved the stomach.

  1. Rupture – розрив

The laboratory analysis failed to reveal rupture of the appendix.

  1. Obstruction – закупорка

The stone in the bile ducts caused the obstruction of bile flow.

  1. Bloating - здуття живота, метеоризм

The patient was admitted to the reception ward with bloating and nausea.

  1. Constipation – закреп

It was very difficult for the physician to make a correct diagnosis as the constipation was from time to time alternating with diarrhea.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the following word-combinations:

A narrow, finger-shaped organ, high rate of mortality, to spill fecal material, obstruction of the appendix, abdominal cavity's lining, a lump of feces, fecal debris, deep breathing in and coughing, constipation, nausea and vomiting, retention of gases, swelling and bloating, the appearance of complications.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text: