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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

I. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення:

1. складатися з двох бобовідних органів

2. видаляти відходи

3. простір між нирковими канальцями

4. набрякати від запалення

5. запалення клубочків

6. печіння підчас сечовипускання

7. призводити до ниркової недостатності

8. каламутна сеча з кров’ю або гноєм

9. попереджувати рецидив захворювання

10. пошкоджені або запалені гломерули

II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:

  1. What happens when the kidneys inflame?

  2. How many types of acute nephritis are there?

  3. Give brief information for all types of acute nephritis.

  4. What diagnostic tests may be needed to confirm a case of acute nephritis?

  5. What medications may be administered to patients with acute nephritis?

III. Розкрийте поняття терміну: нефрит


  1. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of … nephritis.

a) chronic b) acute c) prolonged d) contagious

2. The main predisposing diseases of acute nephritis are:

a) diphtheria, measles b) myocardial infarction c) tonsillitis, sore throat

3. The site of initial lesion in acute nephritis is:

a) capillaries of glomeruli b) tonsils c) throat membrane d) adenoids

4. Acute nephritis may develop within:

a) one-two weeks b) two-eight days c) a month d) half a year

5. Patients are known to suffer from renal inflammation as shown by:

a) X-rays b) blood test c) urinalyses d) renal examination

6. Acute nephritis can lead to … .

a) measles b) kidney failure c) tonsillitis d) myocardial infarction

7. The sign of unfavorable prognosis is:

a) a scanty flow of urine b) chronic migraines c) hypertension

8. Various diagnostic tests … to confirm a case of acute nephritis.

a) may need b) need c) may be needed d) will need

9. Sometimes the edema is … and hardly recognized by the examining physician.

a) severe b) acute c) grave d) very mild

10. If the kidneys suddenly become inflamed, there will develop a condition called .… .

a) renal insufficiency b) angina pectoris c) heart failure d) acute nephritis


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

albuminuria, n


альбумінурія (наявність білків у сечі)

ascendin, adj



bacteriuria, n


бактеріурія (наявність бактерій у сечі)

cloudy, adj



concomitant, adj



congenital, adj



consume, v



consumption, n



culture, n



ensue, v



haematuria, n


гематурія (наявність крові в сечі)

obtuse, adj



penetrate, v



scarred, adj


вкритий рубцями

shivering fits, n

['ʃivǝriŋ 'fits]

озноб, лихоманка

Exercise 2. a) Match the term element with its meaning:

  1. pyel(o)

  1. heart

  1. hepato

  1. lung

  1. cardio

  1. nerve

  1. angio

  1. liver

  1. pulm(o)

  1. chest

  1. neuro

  1. brain

  1. pector

  1. kidney pelvis

  1. cerebr(o)

  1. vessel

b) Guess what is meant:

pulmonologist, angioplasty, cerebrology, hepatocyte, pyelonephritis, neurologist, pectoralgia, cardiodynamics

1. Study of the brain

2. Inflammation of the kidney pelvis

3. Specialist who deals with nervous diseases

4. Specialist in lung diseases

5. Pain in the chest

6. Cell of the liver

7. Surgical restoration of blood vessels

8. Mechanism of the heart activity

Exercise 3. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:

An ascending infection of the kidney, congenital renal pathologies, a general set of symptoms, obtuse pain in the loins, cloudy and bloody urine, to be caused by bacteria, to penetrate through the urethra, to ensue in the course of cystitis, to have persistent hypertension, to be replaced by the non-functional tissue, to lead to kidney failure, to determine the underlying cause, to prevent the recurrence of disease, to require surgery.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the use of the pronouns one/ones. Say what function they perform in sentences:

1. Hard beds are healthier than soft ones.

2. These stretchers are broken. Take those ones.

3. I’ve lost my inhaler. I need a new one immediately.

4. Don’t put this white gown on, it's dirty. Put this one on.

5. If you haven’t got average syringes, small ones will also do.

6. Do you remember Dr. Green? – Is that the one who operated on me last year?

7. The doctor has asked me to bring another case history. This one is crumpled.

8. In chronic processes the normal organic tissue may be replaced by the non-functional one.

Exercise 5. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian: