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пособие мед 2 (1).docx
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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

  1. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

  1. швидка змiна зору

  2. неспроможнiсть органiзму

  3. бути контрольованим медiкаментами

  4. загальна скарга

  5. забезпечувати ефективнiсть

  6. виробляти iнсулiн

  7. високий рiвень глюкози в кровi

  8. визваний деякими iнфекцiями

  9. абсолютна недостатнiсть iнсулiну

  10. фактори способу життя

  1. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:

1. What is diabetes mellitus?

2. What is type 1 diabetes?

3. What is type 2 diabetes?

4. What is gestational diabetes?

5. What are the main complications of diabetes?

  1. Розкрийте поняття: цукровий дiабет, iнсулiн


1. Diabetes mellitus, often simply diabetes, is a group of ……. diseases.

a) hereditary b) metabolic c) contagious d) chronic e) acute

2. Type 2 diabetes results from ……… .

a) body’s failure to produce insulin b) insulin resistance

c) nutritional deficiency d) immunity failure e) kidney failure

3. There are …… main types of diabetes.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 4 e) 6

4. The cause of diabetes depends on ….. .

a) the type b) blood group c) character d) age e) sex

5. When did insulin become available?

a) 1898 b) 1921 c) 1914 d) 1941 e) 1945

6. The classical symptoms of diabetes are:

a) headache, nausea, vomiting b) insomnia, fatigue, general malaise

c) breathlesnes, cyanosis, itching d) polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia.

e) high temperature, rash, heartburn

7. The main complications of diabetes mellitus are:

a) diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy b) nocturia, hernia

c) diabetic nephropathy, foot ulcers d) gastritis, dizziness

e) edema, tinnitus, paralysis

8. Both type 1 and 2 are chronic conditions that usually ………. be cured.

а) can b) cannot c) might d) mustn’t e) should

9. Prolonged high blood glucose can result in:

a) hearing problems b) vision changes c) insomnia d) hallucinations

e) swelling

10. …………is important to ensure the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy:

a) patient control b) patient education c) patient’s emotional poise d) bed regimen e) insulin resistance


Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary:




community, n



dwarfism, n





укріпляти, посилювати

goiter, n



impairment, n





спричиняти, включати

lack (of) , n


нестача, відсутність

miscarriage, n



result in,v


бути результатом, приводити




soil, n


земля, грунт

stillbirth, n


народження мертвого плоду

Exercise 2. Translate the word combinations:

Noncancerous; thyroid gland; the most common cause; mountainous regions; iodine; mental; brain; salivary glands; a runny nose; table salt; production; diet; metabolism; taste; disorder; weakness; seafood; to detect; to regulate; condition; diffuse; nodule.

Exercise 3. Form the following new words and translate them:

-y: run, rain, sun, wind, fun, fog, bone, blood, health, sleep, taste, water, noise, dirt, ease.

-ment: enlarge, impair, develop, achieve, treat, require, equip, move, establish, appoint, measure, excite, argue, state.

-ism: cretin, giant, hyperthyroid, hypoinsulin, narcotic, embole, iodine, human, alcohol, fatal, hero, Darwin, evolution, modern, criticize;

-ness: weak, deaf, dull, cold, ill, fresh, red, tired, restless, calm, kind, polite, cool, dry, dark.

Exercise 4. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs:

Little, warm, lately, frequent, high, clear, shy, bad, far, good, comfortable, great, much, big, rare, rich, fur, necessary, dangerous, little, cold, many, useful, easy.

Exercise 5. Give English equivalents to the following words:

Бідний, найкращий, менше, більше, більший, гірше, цікавий, далекий, найнебезпечніший, більш розповсюджений, найпоширеніший.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


A goiter is a noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland in the front of the neck. The enlargement may be diffuse – involving most of the gland, or localized – limited to a particular area, as in a solitary (single) nodule. Many conditions can cause goiter, but the most common is a lack of sufficient iodine in the diet, which is usually a result of the soil in which food is grown being iodine-poor—a condition that occurs in many mountainous regions away from the sea. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate the body's metabolism. Other factors that may lead to the condition include certain medicines (e.g. lithium), infections, cigarette smoking, certain foods (e.g. soy, peanuts, broccoli and cabbage).

Surveying communities for goiter is one of the best ways of detecting iodine deficiency, which, if not treated, can cause stillbirths, miscarriages, cretinism, mental impairments, deafness, and dwarfism. Physical examination involves feeling of a neck on swallowing. Swelling in the region of the thyroid may be felt. If goiter is very large there may be swelling in neck vein. Blood test is ordered to measure thyroid function.

The main symptom of goiter is enlarged thyroid. The size may range from a small nodule to a large neck lump. In rare cases, an enlarged thyroid can put pressure on the trachea. This can lead to breathing difficulties, cough, hoarseness, swallowing difficulties.

An excess too much, or a deficiency – too little of circulating hormones causes a wide range of medical conditions, for example hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Where there is an excess of hormone, one form of treatment consists of giving the patient something which inhibits the production of hormone, as in the use of carbimazole to treat hyperthyroidism. When a hormone is deficient, treatment may be by replacement therapy, for example injections of insulin in the treatment of Type I diabetes.

Iodine deficiency is the most common preventable cause of brain damage and mental retardation, affecting about 50 million people worldwide. However, these disorders have been reduced simply by using table salt fortified with iodine.

Adults require at least 20 micrograms of iodine daily, but 150 micrograms is recommended. Seafood is excellent source, while the iodine content of other foods varies depending on animal feed and soil. Iodism (iodine poisoning) is a rare condition that results in weakness, swollen salivary glands, a metallic taste in the mouth, and a runny nose.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the types of goiter?

2. What is required for the production of thyroid hormones?

3. What is the most common cause of goiter?

4. What is hyperthyroidism?

5. What is hypothyroidism?

6. What can goiter cause?

7. What does iodism result in?

8. What is one of the best ways of detecting iodine deficiency?

9. How much iodine do adults require daily?

10. What is the excellent source of iodine?

Exercise 8. Choose the correct definitions to the following terms:

1) metabolism

2) iodism

3) thyroid gland

4) dwarfism

5) cretinism

6) goiter

a) poisoning induced by ingestion of iodine or its compounds.

b) an endocrine gland of vertebrates, consisting in man of two lobes near the base of the neck. It secretes hormones that control metabolism and body growth.

c)the condition of being a dwarf.

d) the swelling of the thyroid gland.

e) a condition arising from a deficiency of thyroid hormone, present from birth, characterized by dwarfism and mental retardation.

f) the sum total of the chemical processes that occur in living organism, resulting in growth, production of energy, elimination of waste material, etc.

Exercise 9. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

Розумова відсталість; пошкодження мозку; гірській район; поганий грунт; збільшення щитовидної залози; столова сіль; отруєння йодом; рідкісний стан; металевий смак у роті; опухлі слинні залози; єдиний вузлик; лікування хвороби; нежить; регулювати обмін речовин; замінне лікування.

Exercise 10. Continue the sentences:

1. The most common cause of goiter is … .

2. Surveying communities for goiter is … .

3. If not treated goiter can cause … .

4. Iodine deficiency affects … .

5. Seafood is … .

6. The enlargement may be …. .

7. Iodism results in … .

8. Iodine deficiency may lead to … .

Exercise 11. Open the brackets and use verbs in the correct tense and voice:

1. The number of goiter cases (to vary) greatly by region.

2. Iodine (to require) for the production of thyroid substances.

3. Thyroid hormones (to regulate) the body’s metabolism.

4. Iodine deficiency (to affect) about 50 million people worldwide.

5. Iodine deficiency (can, to cause) mental impairments, miscarriages, cretinism.

6. The table salt (to fortify) with iodine.

7. A lack of sufficient iodine in the diet (to result from) the iodine - poor soil in which food is grown.

8. The examination (to reveal ) an enlarged thyroid, red sweaty palms and a fine tremor of the hands.

9. An enlarged thyroid gland (to call ) a goiter.

10.Hyperthyroidism (to confirm ) by the correct examination.

Exercise 12. Make up questions to the underlined words:

1. Adults require 20 micrograms of iodine daily.

2. Iodism is a rare condition.

3. Iodism results in weakness, swollen salivary glands and a runny nose.

4. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones.

5. Many conditions can cause goiter.

6. About 740 million people have goiter.

7. A lack of sufficient iodine in the diet occurs in many mountaneous regions.

8. She has noticed that her hands have a tendency to shake.

9. Recently she has developed palpitations, heat intolerance and diarrhea.

10. Sufferers of type I diabetes are deficient in insulin.

Exercise 13. Match Mrs Davis’s symptoms (1-6) with the questions her doctor asked ( a-f).

1. diarrhea

a) Do you prefer hot weather or cold?

2. eating more

b) Is your weight steady?

3. heat intolerance

c) What is your appetite like?

4. overactivity

d) Are your bowels normal?

5. palpitations

e) Are you able to sit and relax?

6. weight loss

f) Have you ever felt your heart beating rapidly?

Exercise 14. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Найрозповсюдженішою причиною зобу є недостатня кількість йоду в харчуванні.

2. Доросла людина повинна вживати щонайменше 20 мікрограм йоду кожен день.

3. Відомо, що ознаками отруєння йодом є напухання слинних залоз та металічний присмак.

4. Зоб виникає, коли щитовидна залоза не здатна виробляти достатню кількість гормонів.

5. Доведено, що зоб виникає в таких регіонах, де грунт та вода не мають достатньої кількості йоду.

6. Іншими причинами, що викликають зоб можуть бути інфекції, деякі ліки та куріння.

7. Збільшення щитовидної залози – це перша ознака зобу.

8. Ускладненням зобу у вагітних може бути викидень або народження мертвого плоду.

Exercise 15. Describe the term “Goiter” according to the table:


General characteristics







