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VII. Прочитайте запитання до тексту. З приведених варіантів відповідей визначте літеру речення, як a містіть правильну відповідь на поставлені запитання.

1. What building in Washington is the seat of Congress?

  1. the White House;

  2. the Capitol;

  3. the Pentagon;

2. What American president didn`t live in the White House?

  1. Thomas Jefferson;

  2. Abraham Lincoln;

  3. George Washington.

3. What building of Washington looks like a Greek temple?

  1. the Washington Cathedral;

  2. The Lincoln Memorial;

  3. the Washington monument.

Варіант 3

I. Перепишіть наступні речення. Визначте за граматичними ознаками, якою частиною мови є слово із закінченням –s і яку функцію воно виконує, тобто, чи слугує воно:

а) показником третьої особи однини дієслова в Present Indefinite;

б) ознакою множини іменника;

в) показником присвійного відмінка (див. зразок виконання 1).

Перекладіть речення українською або російською мовою.

1.The national flag of Great Britain combines three crosses representing England, Scotland and Ireland.

2.Every year the students of our university pass many credits and exams.

3.My friend’s sister studies at the college.

4.Kyiv stands on the Dnieper river, the longest river of Ukraine.

5.In a few weeks’ time we shall have summer holidays.

6.London’s underground is the oldest one.

II. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою, зважаючи на особливості перекладу іменників, які виконують функцію означень (див. Зразок виконання 2).

1.Our university library provides all students with necessary books.

2.We like to listen to the radio programmes.

3.The continental part of the USA consists of the highlands and two lowland regions.

4.Nobel Prize laureate Academician Ilya Mechnicov studied in Kharkiv National University and worked there for a long time.

5.Our plant produces daylight lamps.

6.My sister is fond of adventure stories.

III. Перепишіть наступні речення, які містять різні форми порівняння та перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою.

1.St.Paul’s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches, is situated not far from the Tower.

2.The more experiments we carry out, the better results we obtain.

3.The new cinema in our district is much bigger than the old one.

4.English is as difficult as German.

5.A bus is faster than a tram.

6.He is not so intelligent as his brother.

IV. Перепишіть та письмово перекладіть українською або російською мовою наступні речення, зважаючи на переклад неозначених та заперечних займенників.

1.Will you give me anything to read?

2.Have you any dictionaries at home?

3.No park in London is as popular as Hyde Park.

4.Can anybody help him?

5.He has some problems in mathematics.

6.Nobody told us about this incident.

V. Перепишіть наступні речення, визначте в них час та стан дієслів, вказавши їх інфінітив. Перекладіть речення українською або російською мовою (див.зразок виконання 3).

1.She regularly attends lectures and seminars.

2.Yesterday we went to the library because we needed some books for our report.

3.All these measures don’t help us to solve the important problems.

4.The lecturer told many interesting details about this device.

5.Ukraine will develop the main branches of industry such as metallurgy, coal-mining, electronics.

6.Our students spend much time at the computer.

VI. Прочитайте й усно перекладіть 1, 4, 5 абзаци тексту. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть 2, 3 абзаци українською або російською мовою.


1. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. It is a jewel in Scotland`s crown and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It is the seventh largest city in the United Kingdom and the second largest Scottish city after Glasgow. Edinburgh is the seat of the Scottish Parliament. This city is a large industrial centre and a big port. It stands on the seven hills in the valley of the river Forth near the North Sea. The highest hill is “King Arthur`s Chair”, 300 metres above sea level. Edinburgh is the birthplace of many famous scientists: James Clerk Maxwell, Adam Smith, Alexander Bell and others.

2. The Old Town dates from the 11th century and contains most of the city`s historic sites. The ancient Edinburgh Castle is in the middle of the city. This famous fortress overlooks Edinburgh from the 150 metre high Castle Rock and its age is more than one thousand years old. The Holyrood Palace is another official residence of the Queen besides Buckingham Palace. It is a museum itself and contains a number of museums. The Writer`s museum is among them. Edinburgh has a lot of other important sights: the Royal Museum of Scotland, St. Gile`s Cathedral, the National Gallery of Scotland and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Government protects the city`s architecture because of its historic importance.

3. The New town is in the valley. The main street, Princess Street, is a mile long with beautiful houses and a monument to Walter Scott. Edinburgh is a busy modern city, banking and administrative centre of Scotland. More than 450,000 people live and work here. Education and health, finance and business services, retailing and tourism are the largest employers. The port exports coal, whiskey and machinery. It imports grain, fertilizer, petroleum, minerals, cement, fruit and vegetables. Edinburgh is a large publishing centre. It produces great quantities of high-grade paper. There are metal works and rubber and engineering works. The city is an important centre of nuclear and electronics research.

4. Everyone knows Edinburgh as a great educational centre. The city was one of the major centers of the Enlightenment. There are three universities. The University of Edinburgh originated in 1583. It is the fourth oldest university in Scotland, after St Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen. It has faculties of divinity, law, medicine, arts, science, music, social sciences and veterinary medicine.The Old College on South Bridge opened in the 1820s. Edinburgh is one of Scotland's 32 local government council areas.

5. The city attracts 1 million visitors a year. Edinburgh is well-known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, a collection of official and independent festivals. It lasts four weeks from early August. Much of Edinburgh`s charm is in the way in which past and present live easily side by side. Europeans call Edinburgh “the Athens of the North”.