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III. Перепишіть наступні речення; підкресліть в кожному з них модальне дієслово або його еквівалент. Перекладіть речення українською або російською мовою.

  1. Ethylene gas may be obtained by cracking petroleum.

  2. Laser can be used to transmit power of various types.

  3. These new materials had to withstand much higher temperatures than metals.

  4. The application of digital computers should include all forms of automatic control in science and industry.

  5. Some operations for this computer must be changed and new instructions must be added.

  6. Our lab assistant is allowed to construct this electronic device.

  7. This machine will be able to perform different arithmetic operations.

  8. The instructions were recorded in the order in which they were to be carried out.

IV. Перепишіть наступні складнопідрядні речення. Визначте в кожному з них вид підрядного речення та перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою: a) підрядне означальне; b) підрядне додаткове; c) підрядне обставинне часу; d) підрядне умовне речення.

  1. I have bought the book with technical texts that you recommended.

  2. She asked me why I had not come to the meeting.

  3. If the circuit is closed current will flow it.

  4. I shall stay at the institute until you come.

V. Прочитайте та усно перекладіть з 1-го по 5-й абзаци тексту українською або російською мовою.                                           Пояснення до тексту

1. accurate – точний

2. to determine – визначати

3. the boiling point – точка кипіння

4. liquid – рідина

5. to vary – змінюватися

6. to substitute – заміняти

7. mercury – ртуть

8. expansion – розширення

9. to adjust – пристосовувати

Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686—1736)

1. Polish-born Dutch physicist who invented the first accurate thermometer in 1724 and devised the Fahrenheit temperature scale. Using his thermometer, Fahrenheit was able to determine the boiling points of liquids and found that they vary with atmospheric pressure.

2. Fahrenheit was born in Danzig (Gdansk). He learned the manufacture of scientific instruments in Amsterdam from 1701, and spent ten years traveling round Europe, meeting scientists. In 1717 he became an instrument maker in Amsterdam, and remained in the Netherlands for the rest of his life.

3. Fahrenheit's first thermometers contained a column of alcohol which expanded and contracted directly, as originally devised by Danish astronomer Ole Romer in 1701. Fahrenheit substituted mercury for alcohol because its rate of expansion, although less than that of alcohol, is more constant. Furthermore, mercury could be used over a much wider temperature range than alcohol.

4. In order to reflect the greater sensitivity of his thermometer, Fahrenheit expanded Romer's scale so that blood heat was 90° and an ice-salt mixture was 0°; on this scale freezing point was 30°. Fahrenheit later adjusted the scale to ignore body temperature as a fixed point so that the boiling point of water came to 212° and freezing point was 32°. This is the Fahrenheit scale that is still in use today.

5. Until the switch to the Celsius scale, the Fahrenheit one was widely used in Europe. It is still used for everyday temperature measurements by the general population in Canada, United States and Belize and, less so, in the UK.