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VII. Прочитайте запитання до тексту. З приведених варіантів відповідей визначте літеру, яка містить правильну відповідь на поставлені запитання.

1.What do people use to communicate through internet?

a) index


c) e-mail.

2. What is called World WideWeb?

a) it is information that is connected or linked together like a web.

b) it's a collection of networks

c)it is e-mail, vkontakte, google.

3. When did the history of Internet begin?

a) 1869

b) 1969

c) 1979

Варіант 5.

I. Перепишіть наступні речення, визначте в кожному дієслівну форму і стан дієслова-присудка (див. зразок1). Перекладіть речення українською або російською мовою.

1. The automatic equipment is being installed in our shop.

2. Radioactive isotopes have been made in nuclear reactor.

3. The construction of this house will be completed in a month.

4. The engineer was asked about the new technology used at the plant.

5. The radar is applied for the automatic control of ground-transport.

6. The sputniks were being used for the research of magnetic fields and cosmic rays.

7. The properties of materials had been affected by solar radiation.

II. Перепишіть наступні речення і перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою, звертаючи увагу на різні значення слів it, that, one (див. зразок 2)

1. It is necessary to find new sources of cheap energy.

2. It was not until I came here that I learned about it.

3. In London one must get used to the left-side traffic.

4. It is energy of falling water that is used to drive turbines.

III. Перепишіть речення і перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою, звертаючи увагу на різні значення дієслів to be, to do, to have

1. A programme for the construction of new types of spaceship is to be carried out this year.

2. Some people do not pay for medical treatment.

3. We had to change the design of this machine.

4. The speed of electrons is almost the same as that of light.

5. In the application of electronic instruments the engineer must have knowledge of characteristics

6. When does she make a report?

IV. Перепишіть наступні речення і перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою, звертаючи увагу на безсполучникову підрядність (див. зразок 3)

1. We know radio and radar systems play a very important role at any airport.

2. The information science gets about other galaxies comes through radio telescopes.

3. The methods we have just described are very effective.

4. I think the drawling will be ready by tomorrow.

V. Перепишіть наступні речення і перекладіть їх українською або російською мовою, звертаючи увагу на функції інфінітива.

1. The engineer was asked to design this devise.

2. They are to come soon.

3. It is necessary to master this speciality.

4. The material to be used has been carefully examined.

5. To know English well you have to work hard.

6. The aim of our research work is to find the necessary data.

VI. Прочитайте і усно перекладіть українською або російською мовою 1, 3, 5 абзаци тексту. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть 2, 4 абзаци.

Our Achievements in Science

1. Our scientists and inventors have enriched science and technology with many great achievements, which enable our country to solve many important problems. Many inventors have not only brought fame to our science but rank among great achievements of mankind.

2. Many discoveries of great theoretical and practical significance have been made in our country. These discoveries deal with many various field of science such as physics, chemistry, biology and many others. Chemists have created new polymers which possess valuable properties. Our scientists have penetrated into the secret of many new polymer structures and have created many new materials.

3. N.N. Semenov has made great discoveries in the field of chain reactions. He has formulated the theory of chemical chain, branches reactions. N.D. Zelinsky’s works have formed the basis for the synthesizing of a large number of new compounds.

4. Lately our scientists have evolved a new method of extracting phenol and acetone from benzene and propylene. Our scientists have made important discoveries in the field of nuclear research. Our physicists have experimented with high-energy particles and with the aid of giant atomic machines and accelerators a number of problems have been recently solved. Thus the production and application of radioactive isotopes and radiation sources are extended in industry, medicine and agriculture.

5. Many workers carry on work at the problem of nature of elementary particles including nuclear forces. Great work is done in the field of lasers. Our industry has produced various types of lasers which are very important in industry, research and medicine. Our research-workers had carried out a great experimental work in the investigation of isotopes long before we began to use them. Production of artificial radio-active isotopes has developed into a new industry. Everybody knows our great achievements in the field of space investigations. Our space research has opened a whole new era of scientific knowledge.