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1. Answer the questions.

  1. Why are the roles of governments vital for tourism?

  2. How can tourism be promoted?

  3. In what ways can travel be made easier?

  4. How can national policy discourage tourism?

  5. What is a license? Why is it important?

  6. Why must catering establishments be inspected regularly?

  7. What does research in tourism involve?

  8. What is the purpose of deeper research?

  9. Why is the social impact of tourism on an area important?

  10. In what way can development of tourism affect the environment?

  11. What is the role of infrastructure for development of tourism?

  12. What is superstructure?

  13. How else can government encourage tourism?

  14. What is the market potential?

  15. What steps should be taken before starting tourist development?

  16. What is the tendency in tourist development at present time?

2. Sum up what you’ve learned from the text about:

  1. the roles of government for tourist development;

  2. the ways of promoting tourism;

  3. the ways of discouraging tourism;

  4. licensing in tourism;

  5. different lines of research in tourism;

  6. the importance of infrastructure and superstructure in tourism;

  7. the current tendency in tourism development.

3. Read the statements, define whether they are true or false, speak on them.

  1. Government plays only a minor role in tourism.

  2. All tourist statistics are completely reliable.

  3. Red tape such as visas and complicated entry formalities make it easy to travel from one country to another.

  4. National policies can discourage tourism.

  5. Governments never attempt any kind of day-to-day regulations of any part of the tourist industry.

  6. No research is ever done concerning the reasons why people travel or their reactions to their vacations.

  7. Many governments have made direct financial investments in the development of tourist facilities.

  8. The infrastructure can be quickly developed without any planning or assistance from government.

  9. Hotels, golf courses, swimming pools, restaurants, and parking lots are part of the infrastructure.

  10. Governments never participate in programs to train personnel for tourist-connected jobs.

Language focus

1. Look through the text and match the definitions given below with the words and phrases from the text.

1. a various kinds of tax benefits offered a. visa

to investors in a project

2. all the people employed by a company b. tourist deficit

3. the development that takes place on the c. infrastructure

base of onfrastructure

4. silly detailed unnecessary official rules d. market potential

that delay action

5. cards filled by international passengers, e. personnel

usually for statistical purposes

6. a condition that results from a greater f. “red tape”

outflow than inflow of tourist money

7. a travel document that gives permission g. arrival and departure cards

for a foreignor to enter or leave another country

8. a document giving permission to carry on h. a lisemce

a particular kind of activity

9. the number or percentage of travellers the i. superstructure

market can hope to attract

10. the facilities such as airports, roads, seweres, j. tax incentives

electricity that are necessary before the development

of an area can take place