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Included in tourism statistics


1. Temporary immigrants


3. Nomads




1. Leisure and recreation





6. Others

Note the following words from the dialogue:

  1. to adopt a common language – говорить на языке понятном всем

  2. to measure – измерять; оценивать; определять

  3. temporary immigrants – временные переселенцы; иммигранты

  4. border workers – рабочие в приграничных зонах

  5. nomads – кочевники, бродяги

  6. to stop over – остановиться в пути; сделать остановку

  7. a stop-over – остановка в пути

  8. to cease – переставать, прекращаться

  9. a spa – курорт с минеральными водами; минеральный источник

  10. consecutive – последовательный; подряд

  11. not more than one consecutive year – не дольше, чем год (подряд)

  12. inbound tourism – въездной туризм

  13. outbound tourism – выездной туризм

2.The World Tourism Organization’s Classification of Tourism

Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and (a) ___________ in places outside their (b) ___________ for more than (c) _________ consecutive (d) _________ for (e) _________, (f) __________ and other purposes.

  • (g) __________ involves residents of a given country traveling only within their own country.

  • (h) ___________ involves non-residents traveling in the given country.

  • (i) ___________ involves residents of one country traveling to another country.


1. Read the statements and say whether they are true or false.

  1. When various countries collect statistics on tourism they are all measuring different things.

  2. All travellers are classified under various headings.

  3. Visitors are people who cross the borders for various reasons.

  4. Passengers on a cruise stopping over in a port are same-day visitors.

  5. Travellers cease to be tourists if their purpose is not leisure or recreation.

  6. Domestic tourism means the same as internal tourism.

  7. Inbound tourism involves residents of a particular country going abroad.

  8. Outbound tourism means that people who live in another country come to visit the country where you live.

2. Sum up the interview with Dr. Garcia.

Vocabulary focus

1. Some words are very similar in meaning, and it is important to know exactly when, where and how you can use them. Study the definitions and then complete the sentences.

journey, n. – an act of traveling from one place to another, especially to a place that is far away

to make a journey

bus/train/car journey

a 12 hour/five mile journey

trip, n. – the act of traveling to a place and coming back, especially when you only stay in the place for a short time

boat/car/plane trip

business/school/skiing trip

to go on a trip

flight, n. – a journey in a plane

a 30 minute/12 hour flight

voyage, n. – a long journey in a boat or ship

crossing, n. – a short journey in a boat or ship which goes from one side of a sea, lake, or other area of water to the other side

drive, n. – a journey in a car

a 12 hour/15 minute drive

ride, n. – a short journey in a vehicle such as a car, or on a bicycle or a horse

bike/car/horse ride

to go for a ride

tour, n. – a planned journey during which a politician, entertainer, or sports team visits several different places, usually within a fixed period of time

  1. If you’re visiting Madrid, why not go on a day _________ to Toledo?

  2. The __________was delayed because of air traffic congestion over Heathrow.

  3. The ________ on the ferry was very rough.

  4. The train __________ from Madras to Bangalore was uncomfortable.

  5. The Titanic sank on its maiden _________.

  6. Why not hire a car and go for a __________ in the country?

  7. There’s volleyball team on _________ and they want hotel accommodation.

  8. The museum is a short bus ________ from the tourist information office.

  9. The _________ from Europe was a hazardous undertaking, with heavy seas and strong winds.

  10. The King has left for a six-week ________ of Australia and New Zealand.

  11. We boarded one of the tourist ferries for the _________ to Staten Island, home of the Statue of Liberty.

  12. It’s a very fast bike. Do you want to go for a _______?