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VII. Укажите номера неверных утверждений.

1. Every American is entitled to all the rights and freedoms provided by the Constitution.

2. People can’t be punished for breaking the law if they are not aware of that law.

3. In Britain the lack of a written constitution does not prevent citizens from enjoying their civil rights and liberties.

4. The number of committed crimes is not equal to that of reported ones.

5. The Bill of Rights guarantees the English subjects their most important rights and freedoms.

6. In some cases reckless drivers are fined by the police without referring the matter to a court.

7. Governments often use the armed forces to maintain order during demonstrations and marches.

8. In the United States the Constitution assures a speedy and public trial by a group of unbiased jurors.

Проверьте себя по ключам на странице 179 .


Ключи к тесту 1

I 1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b, 5 b, 6 c

II 1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 d, 5 b, 6 a, 7 b

III 1, 2, 5, 7

3. He was the finest lawyer of his generation.

4. Judges are paid salary by the state.

6. If you do something illegal, you will get into trouble.

IV 1. There are many questions and one answer.

2. When will the new law be enacted?

3. Law-makers do not interpret legislation.

4. What does he do in order to protect his property?

5. When were these rules applied?

6. It is much more difficult to change the constitution than other laws.

V (1) constitutional (2) parliamentary (3) consideration (4) differences

(5) applicant (6) hearing

VI 1 b, 2 a, 3 d, 4 b, 5 c

VII 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

Ключи к тесту 2

I 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d, 5 b, 6 d

II 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 d, 6 a, 7 d

III 1, 2, 6

3. The witness who had seen the accident was examined by the police.

4. He has decided to make his career as a lawyer.

5. He couldn’t escape by this window because it is barred.

IV 1. The law of the world has been influenced by Roman Law.

2. You should not steal his idea.

3. What has he been doing there for three hours?

4. It is the age of the criminal that is important.

5. The more we discuss this, the less I understand it.

6. Either Mr. Brown or his wife has told a lie under oath.

V (1) homeless (2) illegally (3) unlawful (4) unfairly (5) impatient

(6) diplomatic.

VI 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d, 5 a

VII 3, 4, 5

Ключи к тесту 3

I 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 d, 5 b, 6 c, 7 a

II 1 b, 2 d, 3 d, 4 c, 5 c, 6 b, 7 c, 8 a

III 1 a, 2 d, 3 d, 4 b, 5 b, 6 a, 7 b

IV 1, 4, 5

2. Evidence obtained by illegal means is not admitted by the judge.

3. The record of the case is worth reading.

6. The solicitor is certain to give you any legal help you need.

7. When appearing in the county court a solicitor must wear a gown.

8. Is it ethical for an attorney to defend a cold-blood killer?

V (1) slavery (2) lottery, lucky (3) bribery (4) libel (5) bloody (6) wealthy (7) try

VI 1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 d, 6 a, 7 d

VII 2, 5, 7

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