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Значения слова that

Слово that (мн. those) имеет следующие значения:

1) указательное местоимение, которое переводится на русский язык как тот, этот:

The Supreme Court admission entitles them to practice only in that state.

Постановление Верховного Суда позволяет им осуществлять практику только в этом штате.

Those are his proposals.

Это его предложения.

2) заменитель существительного, повторно встречающегося в предложении. Переводится на русский язык тем словом, которое оно заменяет:

Much of the law in the former socialist states is similar to that prevailing in the European Union.

Большая часть права бывших социалистических государств подобна праву, преобладающему в Европейском союзе.

В этой функции that (those) иногда употребляется в сочетании с предлогом of:

Sentences passed by the Crown Court are more severe than those of Magistrates’ Courts.

Приговоры, вынесенные Коронным судом, суровее, чем приговоры Магистратских судов.

3) союз. Вводит придаточное дополнительное в сложноподчинен­ном предложении. Переводится на русский язык союзом что:

If the prosecutor is of the opinion that the accused is not guilty, he must withdraw the charge.

Если прокурор считает, что обвиняемый не виновен, он должен снять обвинение.

4) относительное местоимение. Вводит придаточное определи­тель­ное в сложноподчиненном предложении. Переводится на русский язык союзным словом который:

The rules of law that exist in modern societies are the result of social progress.

Правовые нормы, которые существуют в современных обществах, являются результатом общественного развития.

5) союз, используемый для эмфазы (усиления). Вводит опре­делитель­ное придаточное предложение в конструкции it is/wasthat, которая выделяет один из членов предложения. При переводе этой конструкции часто употребляют слова именно, это:

It is the newspaper that I need badly.

Мне очень нужна именно эта газета.

It was in the park that I found the knife.

Это в парке я нашел нож.


Переведите предложения на русский язык, учитывая значения слова that (those).

1. That case caused a great public concern.

2. The bodies of government in the United Kingdom are those of the legislature, those of the executive branch and those of the judiciary.

3. It is common sense that drunken driving should be punished.

4. The history of London is that of the people of Great Britain.

5. The house that was broken into last night has not been installed with the alarm system.

6. It is the Parliament that passes new laws.

7. The court said that morality and law are not always the same.

8. The common law of England is the body of customary law that was embodied in reports of decided cases.


В тексте Enforcing the Law и упражнениях вам встретятся сложные слова. Они образованы путем соединения двух или более слов в одно сложное слово. Сложные слова могут писаться вместе или через черточку, например: chairperson председатель, well-informed хорошо информированный. Некоторые сложные слова происходят от фразовых глаголов, например:

break out (v)

разразиться, вспыхнуть,

break out (v)

бежать (из тюрьмы)

outbreak (n)



break-out (n)

побег (из тюрьмы)

Exercise 1

Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

a) mother–in–law, self-protection, heir-at-law, copyright, eye-witness, law-breaker, to cross-examine, broad-minded, blameworthy, courtroom, sixteen-year-old, eye-to-eye, blackmail, bullet-proof, summing-up, to half-understand;

b) a well-paid job, drug-crime problems, a four-star hotel, a fifty-euro fine, a present-day situation, day-to-day responsibilities, judge-made law, enemy-held territory, a one-track way.

Exercise 2

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу сложными словами.

a newsagent

a spokesman

a stockbroker

an eye-witness

a shopkeeper

a draughtsman

a policeman

a chatter-box

a playwright

a shareholder

a wrong-doer

a greengrocer

1. … commits criminal actions. 2. … owns shares in a company. 3. … sells newspapers. 4. … speaks on behalf of a group. 5. … buys and sells shares. 6. … prepares technical plans and drawings. 7. … can witness from what he has seen himself. 8. … owns a shop. 9. … sells fruit and vegetables. 10. … writes plays. 11. … talks a lot about unimportant things. 12. … safeguards people.


Exercise 1

Переведите заголовок текста на русский язык. Подумайте, какие юридические термины вы бы встретили в аналогичном тексте на русском языке. Знаете ли вы их английские эквиваленты? Проверьте себя по юридическому словарю.

Exercise 2

Не прибегая к помощи словаря, переведите следующие интернациональные слова на русский язык. Проверьте перевод выделенных слов по словарю.

authorize v

demonstration n

station n

method n

process n

assembly n

reason n

guarantee v

information n

marijuana n

complex a

terrorism n

arrest v

confiscate v

corrupt a

army n

control v

factor n

falsify v

regular a

Exercise 3

Запомните произношение следующих слов:


record v [rJ'kLd]

suspect v [sqs'pekt]

authorize ['LTqraIz]

allow [q'lau]

assembly [q'semblI]

deter [dI'tW]

assault [q'sLlt]


effort ['efqt]

search [sWC]

abide [q'baId]

record n ['rekLd]

suspect n ['sAspekt]

access ['xkses]

Exercise 4

Прочитайте текст, постарайтесь понять его и расположите пункты плана в соответствии с содержанием текста.

_____ The functions of the police.

_____ Enforcing the law by the armed forces.

_____ The bodies through which the state combats crime.

__1__ The ways the state makes citizens obey the law.

_____ The crime rate in different countries.

_____ Codes of conduct for the police.

_____ Corruption among the police officers.

_____ The forms the law may take.


Government has many ways of making sure that citizens obey the law. It makes the public aware of what the law is and tries to encourage social support for law and order. It uses police forces to investigate crimes and catch criminals. It is the government that authorizes courts to complete the investigation of criminal and civil offences and to pass sentences to punish the guilty and deter others. And it makes efforts to re-educate and reform people who have broken the law.

The laws of all countries are to be found in written records – the legal codes of countries with continental systems, the statutes and case judgments of common law countries, warnings on official forms, and notices in public buildings. Many people do not find it easy to read them. But ignorance of the law is almost never a defense for breaking it. Governments usually expect citizens to be aware of the laws which affect their lives. Sometimes this seems very harsh when a law is very technical. For example, if a shopkeeper in England sold books on Sunday, he was prosecuted for that, although he was allowed to sell magazines.

However, there are many laws, such as those prohibiting theft, assault and dangerous driving, which simply reflect social and moral attitudes to everyday behavior. In such cases a person knows he is breaking the law, even if he doesn’t know exactly which law it is.

The police have many functions in the legal process. Though they are mainly concerned with criminal law, they may also be used to enforce judgments made in civil courts. As well as gathering information for offences to be prosecuted in the court, the police have wide powers to arrest, search and question people suspected of crimes and to control the actions of members of the public during demonstrations and assemblies. In some countries, the police have judicial functions; for example, they make a decision as to guilt in a driving offense and impose a fine, without the involvement of a court. In Britain, should someone be found in possession of marijuana, the police will confiscate it and issue a formal warning rather than refer the matter to a court.

The mere presence of the police is a factor in deterring people from committing offences. In Japan, you are rarely more than a ten-minute walk from a small police station. The city of Tokyo has more policemen than the city of New York. If the number of policemen in New York were the same, that would be the reason for a less crime rate there. Comparing the crime figures of different countries is a complex matter. It is necessary to consider not only how many crimes are committed, but how many are detected and recorded. The type of crime is another important factor. Britain has more reported crime in general than Japan but about the same number of murders. Rich countries tend to have more car thefts than poor ones.

A just legal system needs an independent, honest police force. In countries where the public trusts the police force, people are more likely to report crimes, and it seems that they are also more likely to be law-abiding. Because of their wide powers it would not be difficult for corrupt police forces to falsify evidence against a suspect, to mistreat someone they have arrested, or to accept bribes in return for overlooking offences.

Legal systems usually have codes of conduct for the police, limiting the time and the methods which they can use to question suspects and guaranteeing the suspects access to independent lawyers. In Britain, however, the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, and especially the Prevention of Terrorism Act, give the police some powers to delay access to lawyers. The Police Complaints Authority1 was set up in 1984 to supervise the investigation of allegations of police misconduct.

In some countries, police officers are usually armed, whereas in others they only carry guns when engaged in certain kinds of work. Governments may also make use of the army to enforce the law, but it is only done on a regular basis when there is political dissatisfaction with the government, or a threat from a well-armed minority.


1the Police Complaints Authority – управление полиции по рассмотрению жалоб

Exercise 5

Найдите в тексте сложные слова и переведите их на русский язык.

Exercise 6

Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

- criminal law, obey the law, support for law and order, break the law, enforce the law, common law country, ignorance of the law, be aware of the law;

- police forces, police station, policeman, trust the police, police misconduct, armed police officer, the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, presence of the police, honest police force, corrupt police forces.

Exercise 7

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

обеспечивать общественную поддержку; расследовать преступле­ние; ловить преступников; устрашать других; обыскивать и допрашивать людей; подозреваемые в совершении преступлений; налагать штраф; выносить официальное предупреждение; удерживание людей от совершения преступлений; сообщать о преступлениях; фальсифицировать доказательства; обращаться с кем-то ненадлежа­щим образом; брать взятки; допрашивать подозреваемых; препятствовать встрече с адвокатами.

Exercise 8

Слово force имеет следующие значения: 1) сила, мощь; 2) сила, действие, in force –действующий, в действии; 3) насилие, принуждение; 4) вооруженный отряд, соединение, police force(s) – полиция, armed forces – вооруженные силы; 5) убедительность, значение; 6) (физ.) сила; 7) in force – в большом количестве.

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения слова force.

1. The force of his argument was so great that many people changed their minds overnight.

2. Trouble was expected at the football match, so the police turned out in force.

3. What is the use of a government making new laws if they can’t be put into force?

4. The thief took the money from the old man by force.

5. The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building.

6. Strong naval forces began to shell the enemy positions.

7. The force of gravity held him down.


Выберите значения, в которых данные ниже слова употребляются в тексте:

a) звукозапись a) власти

record b) рекорд powers b) полномочия

c) протокол c) державы

a) власть a) порядок

authority b) инстанция order b) ордер

c) авторитет c) приказ

a) форма a) маршрут

form b) анкета way b) состояние

c) бланк c) способ


Подберите пары близких по значению слов и словосочетаний из двух колонок:

1) to be aware a) to have a right

2) authority b) homicide

3) to gather c) to collect

4) murder d) to know

5) to break a law e) power

6) assembly f) to commit an offence

7) to affect g) to finish

8) to be allowed h) meeting

9) to complete i) to influence


Подберите пары противоположных по значению слов и слово- сочетаний из двух колонок:

1) to obey a law a) to prohibit

2) to encourage b) majority

3) law-abiding citizen c) to release

4) guilty d) to deter

5) to allow e) to break a law

6) public f) criminal

7) easy g) innocent

8) minority h) complex

9) to arrest i) private


Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложения на русский язык.

of (4) for (3) to (2) from (1) in (1) with (1) on (1)

1. They gained access … the records … cases.

2. Three police officers were prosecuted … taking bribes.

3. During the trial much depends … the jury’s attitude … the accused.

4. The trainee got acquainted … the code … conduct … the employees.

5. Harsh punishment is intended to deter people … committing similar crimes … future.

6. Everyone should be aware … the fact that the ignorance … the law cannot be a defense … breaking it.


Найдите в тексте и переведите на русский язык предложение, содержащее эмфазу.


Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Обратите внимание на то, что два слова явля­ются лишними.

order, suspects, citizens, government, law-enforcement, criminal, offences, question, punishment, investigation

1. The state combats crime through a number of … agencies.

2. After receiving information that a crime has been committed the police commence …

3. The investigator’s duty is to inspect the scene of crime, to … witnesses and arrest … .

4. The main objective of the police has always been to maintain public…

5. The Economic Crimes Department reveals the economic… .

6. … should take part in examinations and searches.

7. … makes efforts to reform and rehabilitate people who have broken the law.


Дайте ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. What means does government use to enforce the law?

2. What are the sources of law?

3. What are the functions of the police?

4. What do crime figures of different countries depend on?

5. How can the police forces misuse their powers?

6. What are the codes of police conduct aimed at?

7. When do governments use the army to enforce the law?


Кратко изложите текст, используя в предложениях опорные слова (или предложите свой вариант передачи содержания текста):

  1. government, law and order, police, to enforce, courts.

  2. laws, written records, to find, moral attitudes.

  3. police, to gather, to arrest, to search, to control.

  4. crime figures, crime, to commit, to detect, to record.

  5. wide powers, corrupt, to falsify, bribes.

  6. code of conduct, to guarantee, to supervise, power.

  7. officers, to carry guns, to enforce, order.


Переведите текст Enforcing the Law на русский язык, обращая внимание на юридические термины из раздела Vocabulary.


to enforce

- принудительно применять (право, за­кон); обеспечивать соблюдение

to enforce judgment

- приводить в исполнение судебное решение

to encourage

- поощрять

to authorize

- уполномочивать, давать право

to deter

- удерживать, устрашать

to re-educate

to reform

- перевоспитывать

- исправлять


- предупреждение, предостережение

to issue a warning

- вынести предупреждение


to prohibit

- извещение, сообщение, предупреждение

- запрещать


- нападение; оскорбление

to search

- обыскивать

to question

to suspect

- спрашивать, допрашивать

- подозревать


- собрание; сборище

to impose

- налагать; назначать

to impose a fine

- налагать штраф

to detect

- раскрывать, обнаруживать

to record

- записывать, протоколировать

to record a crime

- регистрировать преступление


to mistreat

- законопослушный

- обращаться ненадлежащим образом


to accept a bribe

to supervise


- взятка, подкуп

- получить взятку

- наблюдать, надзирать

- заявление; обвинение


- ненадлежащее, неправомерное по-

­ве­дение, проступок

police misconduct

- неправомерные действия полиции


GRAMMAR Сослагательное наклонение

Вводные слова

Многозначность местоимения one

WORDBUILDING Суффиксы существительных dom, -ure;

суффикс прилагательных ive;

суффикс глаголов en;

приставка глаголов en-(em-)

READING Текст The Rights of Citizens


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