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12. Complete the sentences with the phrases and word combinations.

1. The published product is more than the.......................

2. The ability to publish provides first a voice and...........

3. Students on publishing courses are taught that...............

4. The printed word should be treated differently as.............

5. A book is about ideas and values, and these.............

6. Books shape......................................................

7. Publishers have a responsibility.....................................

8. You should not trade............................................

9.The role played by publishers in the human rights movement


10. While many other media of communication are necessary ephemeral because..........................................

11. Similarly, the arguments about why you should not trade with

hostile or morally dubious countries................................................

............................from that of the party in power, are the products

in question.

12. ...newspaper articles and television programmes can be far more .............................

13. Why else have dictators tried to burn, or the politically


13. Work in pairs. Take it in turns to interview each other with the above phrases and word combinations.

14. Work in groups. Take it in turns to make questions using the prompts below.

position in the "establishment"

a public and litigious figure

upholders of civilization

physical components

to shape imaginings and aspirations —

to provide access

morally dubious

to ban

15. Match these phrases with their definitions.

• books, magazines, newspapers etc. — titles

• The author's idea — a book's moral impact on society

• courses for future publishers — books smack of permanence

• The freedom of speech — power to communicate a book's influence on people's minds — free speech textbooks — publishing course

headings — Media communication Mass media — educational books

• books have a flavor of eternity — message

• ability to bring the information and ideas — published product

16. Translate the following sentences into English using the phrases and word combinations.

1. Для некоторых молодых писателей литература — лишь способ обеспечить себе положение в обществе.

2. Морально сомнительная "жёлтая пресса" в основном уделяет внимание публичным и скандальным фигурам.

3. Классическая литература — фундамент цивилизации, формирующий наше воображение и стремления.

4. Книга — не только сумма составляющих её частей. Авторская идея и ценности гораздо важнее её физических составляющих.

5. В режиме диктатуры партия власти способна запрещать неугодные ей книги.

6. Что качается передачи информации телевидение моментально оказывается эффективным.

7. Российская Государственная библиотека ежедневно предоставляет доступ к различным научным трудам

8. Морально сомнительные издательства могут быть запрещены для продажи несовершеннолетним.

17. A. Match the words on the left with the words on the right.

1) published of civilization

2) constituent word

3) the ability tfigure

4) general speech

5) litigious part

6) further unwillingness

7) publishing product

8) upholders to publish

9) the printed power

10) free courses

B. Write 10 sentences with the above word combinations.