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13. Practice to write an article in the students newspaper using the following word combinations.

1. during the daylight hours

2. the next best

3. accordingly costly

4. size, shape and arrangement of the letters

5. to take a pride in smth.

6. the number of people runs into millions

7. daily and weekly papers

14. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases.

1. Рекламная кампания прошла успешно, но обошлась достаточно дорого.

2. Нельзя переоценить значение дизайна упаковки: размер, форма и расположение букв — всё имеет важное значение.

3. Изучение рынка заняло гораздо большее время, чем мы предполагали.

4. Это оборудование достаточно дорогое, но оно стоит этих дополнительных затрат.

5. +Число читателей ежедневных и еженедельных газет уже доходит до миллионов благодаря общественной потребности в новостях.

6. Многие люди страдают от того, что рекламодатель, неуверенный в качестве товара зачастую привлекает внимание читателя и слушателя ложными заявлениями.

7. Мы гордимся тем, что после этого бестселлера наше издание находится на втором месте.

15. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

1) By the year 1714 all the London newspapers printed advertisement..

2) The information in the newspapers was verified before printing

3) The advertised goods could be read about and sold all over the country.

4) The price of a newspaper with many ads is comparatively low.

5) Colours in advertisement may influence the customers' psychology.

6) The choice of place for the advertisement is often accidental.

7) There were no lies or false claims in early printed advertisements.

8) Today in Britain there are several papers each of which sells more than six million copies a day.

9) The problems are not at all simple in our modern world.

16. A. Match the words on the left with the words on the right.

1) Increased a. demand

2) put a tax b. advertisements

3) under c. under the cost

4) public d. Athens

5) put e. position

6) to manufacture f. specialists

7) national g. claims

8) to keep h. to keep the price on them

9) the best i. hours

10) to keep j. the influence

11) the extra k. a notice

12) day light 1. low

13) false m. the chances

14) ancient n. goods

17. Answer the following questions.

1. What sort of untruthful statements were made about products in early advertisements?

2. Why was the development of the national newspaper so important to advertisers?

3. Why are advertisements in British newspapers expensive?

4. What helps to make newspapers cheep for the public to buy?

5. What sort of questions do advertising specialists have to consider when placing advertisements?


6. Are black and white advertisements more cost-effective than colour advertisements?

7. What are some of the dilemmas facing an advertiser who wants to use colour?

8. Apart from newspapers, where else can advertisements be placed effectively?

9. Why is television advertising so expensive?

10. What sort of issues have to be considered when arranging a time for a product to be advertised on television?

11. How have advertisements changed since the early days of newspaper advertising?

12. Why do some people decide to do something else when the television programme they were watching is interrupted with advertisements?