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2. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations of the essential vocabulary.

employer persuade advertisement trade employment advertise employee persuasion persuasive employ

1. The process of ... the manager was far more difficult than we had thought. He was too stubborn and self-assured.

2. Our ... turned out to be a dishonest person.

3. The company decided to ... the goods in press.

4. Can you ... your father into lending us the car?

5. Seasonal... is very popular in this region.

6.1 am willing to make a ... with your company. I hope it would be mutually profitable.

7. How long have you been ... at this job?

8. The... column was always packed with notes from people willing to sell or to buy.

9. This company hired a full-time ... for the position of the head of the department.

10. Our ... arguments have finally made her change her mind.

3. A. Fill the gaps in the sentences with suitable words from the box.

B. Translate the sentences into Russian

results means annoying ways unnecessary emotions note persuade vary video

Modern... industry has lots of ... of calling attention to the .... The fact is that it may even ... you to buy something completely ... for you. The ... of advertising ... from the just a small ... in a local newspaper to the constant repetition of a ... reel on TV. Often the advertisement becomes too... and the... may turn out to be negative and repulsive. Advertisement often plays on people's .... Sometimes we may even know the trick but we still buy it.

4. Do the library research and write a 200-word essay on one of the given topics.

1. My favourite advertisement.

2. The most effective way of advertising.

3. Advertisement on TV.

4. Printed advertisement.

5. The effect of advertisement.

6. The most successful advertising campaign.

5. Choose the right article: a/the

1. It is believed that a\the\ — signboards were used three or four thousand years ago in a\the\ — China, and a\the\ — tradesmen also made use of them in a\the\ — Egypt, a\the\ — Greece and a\the\ — Rome.

2.a\the\— art was employed for a\the\— display of a\the\ — religious facts.

3. A\the\ — diplomat is a\the\ — person who can tell you to go to a\the\ — hell in such a way that you will be looking forward to a\the\— trip.

4. There is a\the\ — belief that a\the\ — Americans like a\the\ — fat books and a\the\ — women.

5. In addition to a\the\ — signboards, a\the\ — old tradesmen used a\the\ — trade cards, which could be handed to people rather as a\the\ — business of today hands a\the\ — man his card.

6.1 always pass on a\the\ — good advice. It's a\the\ — only thing to do with it. It is never any use to oneself.

7. Nothing is illegal if a\the\ — hundred businessmen decide to do it; and that's true anywhere in a\the\ — world.

8. A\the\ — banker is a\the\ — man who lends you a\the\ — umbrella when a\the\ — weather is fair and takes it away when it rains.

9. Never lend a\the\ — books, for no one ever returns them; a\the\ — only books I have are a\the\ — books that other people lent me.

10. a\the\ — books do amazing things: they give new views to a\the\ — life and teach us how to live.