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17. Complete the sentences with the items from the box.

Tend, industries, market, intellect, profit, seek, essential, wide

Publishes are conscious that they produce and...........a product

of the.................., of the mind. Several people I spoke to referred to

publishing as being 'different1 from other..................because it

produced something that was both good for people, yet not a life

...................such as dog food or toothpaste. In...........industry, most

firms would.........to make a 15-20 per cent..........on net return. In

the book trade publishers are doing well if they achieve 15-10 per

cent. Average wages in the book trade.........to be lower than in other

industries, and many publishers are conscious of it.

18. Match the words on the left with the words on the right.

1. local

a. bookshop

2. higher

b. education

3. industry

c. knowledge

4. change

d. the industry

5. company

e. brochure

6. kind

of people

7. relevant

g. function

8. job

h. form

9. highly

i. articulate

10. publishing

j. courses

19. Answer the following questions.

1. What did a recent survey of the SYP show?

2. What do potential publishers tend to?

3. What kind of firm did those who wanted to work as a buyer have to find?

4. What was the first task of those interested in a career in publishing?

5. What has always been an accepted way to make contracts?

6. Why is it so significant to have a related work experience?

7. What are the relevant skills that can be worth mentioning in a CV sent to a publishing company?

8. How can you explain the fact that despite appallingly low wages publishing is still a popular sphere to get into?

9. What is the stereotype of a typical publisher in the USA?

10. According to the text, what is more important for the publishing business: to learn business or to learn publishing?

11. When are the publishing vacancies advertised?

12. What is the plan of action for those interested in publishing?

13. What are the requirements for the applicants in publishing?

14. What is a common career path in Western countries? Is it the same in Russia?

15. Can you answer the question in the title of the text?

20. Retell the text close to the original.


1. Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.

1. The advert of a vacancy of an accountant was placed in the local newspaper.

2. Under the guidance of this top-manager our company started to flourish.

3. He acquires friends with ease.

4. Ask me no enquiries, please!

5. The accountant is one of the most important people for our company.

6. This was a wise quotation worthy to be declared.

7. Providing guidance for such a huge firm is not an easy task.

8. The enquiry is in the place of publishing this article.

9. During her work in Belgium she acquired lots of useful connections.

10. Many people quote from the Bible without knowing that they are doing so.