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1. Consult a dictionary and practice the pronunciation of the following words. Mark the main stressed syllables in each of these words.

economize, preference, predicament, immediately, linger, shove, sanctum, bewhisked, squable, equanimity, circumstances, masterpiece, gnaw, perturb

2. Change the structure of the following adjectives.

Example: a bare — foot girl — a girl who has no shoes on her feet youthful — looking clerk , cranky — eyed boy, bold — headed man, a snow — white — bearded old man.

3. Analyze the structure of the following words:

bewhiskered, carelessness, ceilingward, cardboard, onlooker, ransack, brusqueness


trans prefix

continent root

al adjective -forming suffix

4. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the underlined word.

an edit

1. The letter appeared in the new Sunday ......of the local



2. At the exhibition we saw new.......processes.


3. The safety of the hostage is a matter of.............concern.


4. What is the most famous...................in Moscow?

5. Highlight adjectives in the text and give their comparative and superlative degrees.

Example: happy — happier- the happiest

Careful — more careful — the most careful

6. Highlight irregular verbs from the text, give their four forms and translate them into Russian.

loose, bring, fling, shake, find, catch, spring,

7. Use the right suffix or prefix with each root word and translate the words into Russian. Prefixes can be used with words to alter their meaning. What are the differences in meaning?

1. correspond

2. confuse

3. converse

4. admire

5. courage

6. collect

7. able

8. edit

9. speculate

Suffixes and prefixes: — ing, ly, dis, ent, nee, add, ition-al, ive, un, -or-ial-tion, ly-ness.

8. Word sets.

Underline the odd word in each set:

loss, deprivation, behold, dispossession loud, noisy, missing, thunderous inn, hotel, barn, lodge

9. Put the two sentences together using the speech patterns.

1..................., Carry and Hurstwood couldn't make both ends

meet...................2.. Mother couldn't persuade her daughter to stay

home. 3....................................................................., said the student.

4................................getting home as soon as possible. 5. "And I want

to sleep in my room',..........................................6.'And I want to have

my dinner!'....................................................7. The boy came up to

his father with the............... 8. My little girl opened her purse with

the...................... 9. He turned his pockets inside out with the

................10. "And I want you to leave me alone."................

10. Translate the following sentences into English using the Speech patterns.

1. "Я знаю что вы лжете" — вот, что Мартину хотелось бы сказать им.

2. Чего я хочу, так это ,чтобы экзамены были уже все сданы.

3. Как Мартин ни экономил, он не мог скопить денег чтобы выкупить из залога свой лучший костюм.

4. Какой же Вы негодяй — вот, что Мартину хотелось бы сказать редактору.

5. Мартин отправился в издательство с намерением получить гонорар.

6. Преподаватель подошел к доске с тем, чтобы написать слово на доске.

7. Как писатель ни старался, он не смог получить от издательства причитающихся ему денег.