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18. Imagine that you are invited to speak on the television. What would you like to say about your future profession?


1. Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.

1. Can you suggest what we should do to increase sales?

2. If there is a mechanical problem, -we suggest contacting the manufacturer directly.

3. The patient had symptoms suggestive of an allergy.

4. Could I make a few suggestions about the way your essay is structured?

5. Have you considered the possibility that he just doesn't like you?

6. They consider it inevitable that some jobs will be lost.

7.1 need to consider my family before I make my decision.

8. This goalkeeper has a claim to the title of Britain's best.

9. She has no claim on her husband's estate.

10. My claim to fame is that I once shook hands with Nelson Mandela.

11.1 make no claim to be knowledgeable on the subject.

12. Can you claim on your insurance for damage to furniture?

13. The printed word should be treated differently as it affects the whole question of free speech.

14. The latest material goes to the printer, the printer puts on the machine and the book is printed.

2. Fill in each gap with the items from the box. Mind that some of them are repeated more than once.

suggestive, print n,v, anxious, reject, a claim, consideration, printing, claim


2. reject.............

3......in colour

4. careful...................

5. make..........

6. hand...........




10...........to hear

3. Complete the sentences with the essential vocabulary words from the box. Mind that some of them are repeated more than once.

Anxious / suggest / consider / claim/ print

1. It's very difficult.................people spending their money on a

certain product.

2. This company is...........to be the leader in advertising business.

3. Our...............were justified by hard work.

4. The job of a skilful advertiser is to..........some new ways of

describing the same product.

5. We were....................about this new edition but it turned out to

be a bestseller.

6. The mark of a man's shoe was..................in the mud.

7. The doctor....................rest as an alternative to surgery.

8. We all.. ...him a hero.

9. Не......................that he is innocent.

10 The bottom line on this page hasn't been properly

4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Сейчас в Великобритании существует несколько газет тираж которых составляет более четырех миллионов экземпляров ежедневно и соответсвенно реклама в таких изданиях дорогая.

2. Вполне естественно, что наступление века печати и распространение образования повысило ценность рекламы

3. Некоторые печатные издания вынуждены были прекратить свое существование из-за непомерных налогов на рекламу.

4. К сожалению информация поступавшая в газеты не проверялась и поэтому нельзя было полностью доверять печатной рекламе.

5. Цену некоторых газет удается держать на низком уровне из-за количества рекламы печатающейся в них.

6. Рекламодатели готовы платить огромные деньги если они чувствуют выгоду.

7. Современный мир продолжает изобретать все новые и новые средства для убеждения покупателей купить тот или иной товар.

8. Реклама прошла большой путь с античных времен и является настоящим двигателем прогресса.

9. На телевидении реклама достаточно дорогостоящая, но и выгода от нее не малая.

An advertisement on television is rather costly but the value is very big.