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Understanding the law ВСЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ.doc
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Vocabulary notes

consolidating act of Parliament

консолидирующий акт парламента

Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000

акт Парламента о правах уголовных судов (применительно к вынесению наказания) от 2000 года

Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000

акт Парламента об уголовном правосудии и функциях

суда от 2000 года

Criminal Justice Act 2003

акт Парламента об уголовном правосудии от 2003 года

National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders

Национальная организация помощи и обустройства правонарушителей

Young Offender Team

группа надзора за молодыми преступниками (условно осужденными)

Victim Support Group

группа помощи жертвам преступлений

Child Protection Register

Государственный реестр (база данных) детей, нуждающихся в защите своих прав

Reading Comprehension


I. Scan the passage Purposes of Sentencing and find the following.

  1. How many different purposes of punishment it contains?

  2. The order they are listed in.

  3. Which of the purposes of sentencing mentioned in the text are not included in the definitions below:

    1. to reform the offender’s moral attitude;

    2. to assist the offender to return to normal life;

    3. to protect society from violent behaviour;

    4. to make the offender suffer for the harm he has done;

    5. to warn other people and to prevent them from breaking the law.

II. Scan the passages “Types of Punishment” and “The Death Penalty” to find the exact names for the following.

1. types of sentences available to the courts today;

  1. the penalty for high treason;

  2. the way the death penalty was carried out;

  3. crimes that may now be punishable with life imprisonment.

III. Quickly skim the extract Custodial Sentences to decide which of the following is the main theme.

  1. serious offences of violence;

  2. the difference between mandatory and discretionary sentences;

  3. different forms of custodial sentences.

IV. Read the text Forms of Custodial Sentences carefully and find the information you need to complete the table below.

Age of offenders


Under 18

Imprisonment for life

Not serious

V. Scan the extracts Modern Prison Reform and Community Sentences to find the following information.

1. the names of the organisations that are mainly concerned with prison reform;

2. which organisation provides concerts for prisoners;

3. the name of the sentences where the offender is allowed to remain free in the community;

4. if all community sentences may be imposed without the agreement of the offender;

5. the names of the best known community orders (requirments) under the Criminal Justice Act 2003;

6. the type of work offenders on community punishment are ordered to do;

7. the names of special programmes designed to reduce offending;

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