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Understanding the law ВСЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ.doc
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I. Scanning.

      1. Find in the text the place explaining the meaning of infangthief.

      2. Find in the text the place explaining the meaning of trial by battle.

      3. Find in the text the place explaining the meaning of compurgation.

      4. Find in the text the description of different types of ordeals.

II. Skimming.

1. Name the form of the trial in which a defendant could survive only by calling upon God to prove his innocence.

a. infangthief

b. trial by ordeal

c. trial by battle

2. Look through the end of the chapter and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given passage.

a. Jury system is very expensive and should be replaced.

b. Jury system has to be completely changed to satisfy the needs of people.

c. Jury system has its defects, as does any system.

Vocabulary Work


I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.

1. put to death; 2. be supervised; 3. endorse the rights; 4. plot; 5. place obstacles; 6. plead not guilty; 7. conduct the case for the prosecution; 8. stand trial for murdering; 9. arise great public interest; 10. the verdict came as a shock; 11. unless the contrary be proved; 12. alter the law; 13. be selected to serve by ballot; 14. meet with fierce resistance from smb 15. drive under the influence of drink.

II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.

1. расследование преступления; 2. уповая на Бога; 3. нищета и позор; 4. казнить; 5. выездные сессии суда присяжных; 5. хуже того; 6. дыба; 7. по высочайшему указу; 8. доказательство измены; 9. “отдался на милость своей страны”; 10. охваченный чумой; 11. был привлечен к суду за проповеди; 12. деспотичный монарх; 13. способ призыва к восстанию; 14. отвод присяжных; 15. ограничивать право.

III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).


1. guarantee a. виновный

2. prosecute b. жизненно важный

3. trial c. надзирать

4. guilty d. предательство, измена

5. challenge e. оправдание

6. bribe f. подкупать

7. acquittal g. гарантировать

8. vital h. делать отвод

9. supervise i. преследовать в судебном порядке

10. treason j. суд

IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.

1. A public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court. 2. A formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings. 3. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. 4. The state of being seriously mentally ill. 5. An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.

V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.

1. landowner; 2. innocent; 3. witness; 4.treason; 5. ballot.

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