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Understanding the law ВСЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ.doc
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I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.

  1. Keeping law and order, justices of the peace employed thief-takers.

  2. Robert Peel’s idea of maintaining law and order provoked much public discussion which resulted in creating the first professional metropolitan force.

  3. The first police force was blamed for infringing civil liberties.

  4. Captain Kendall of the Montrose was not fully convinced that Crippen and Le Neve were on board but telegraphed his suspicions through to Quebec police.

  5. Under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act if the behaviour of police officers amounts to a criminal offence, they may be disciplined, but never prosecuted.

II. What do you make of the article? Answer the questions about the text.

  1. What is the basic police mission?

  2. What are the powers of the police?

  3. How did the police force as a law enforcement body arise and develop?

  4. What are the main police branches in British police forces?

  5. Why was Interpol set up?

  6. What does “walking the beat” mean?

  7. What have the British police come under criticism for? Has the criticism proved to be justified?

  8. Why do the British people tend to have a love-hate relationship with their police?

  9. What is the necessary condition for using the power to search property or inspect bank accounts?

  10. How does the law protect the citizens against the abuse of police power?

  11. How do CID officers differ from police officers of other specialist branches of the force?

  12. What is a “false complaint” like?

  13. How does a career of a young policeman begin?

  14. What is the course of police training like?

  15. Can you explain why an innocent person sometimes admits to the offence he has not committed?

  16. What factors account for the high level of development of the British police force?

  17. Are there any drawbacks in the work of the police force in GB?

  18. Is there a real necessity for police to cooperate with criminals in their efforts of combating crime?

  19. Is providing the police with a large amount of power justified?

  20. Is the police force in GB really so perfect as we have read about in the text?

III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.

IV. Discuss the following issues. What do you think of it?

  1. How should common people behave when being interviewed by police?

  2. Should the police take severe measures and use violence when questioning dangerous criminals?

  3. Will it be useful for our country to use mounted police?

V. Find the information in the Internet (photos, video, documents etc.) on the following themes and make presentations in class.

    1. Formation of police forces in Russia.

    2. It’s very important to explain to people how to protect themselves against criminals and terrorists. What should be done about it?

    3. Compare the militia in Russia and the police forces in Great Britain and the USA.

Chapter IX


Vocabulary List

1. solicit (v) – просить, ходатайствовать; вести дела в качестве адвоката

2. solicitor – солиситор, стряпчий, юрисконсульт

3. partner – партнёр

4. associate solicitor – (младший) юрист (должность)

5. litigation – судебный процесс

6. commercial – торговый, коммерческий

7. conveyancing – составление нотариальных актов о передаче недвижимости

8. licensing – лицензирование

9. probate – доказывание завещания; утверждение завещания

10. common sense – здравый смысл

11. adviser – консультант, советник

12. experience – опыт

13. recorder – протоколист, регистратор

record [ri'ko:d](v) – записывать, протоколировать, фиксировать

record ['reko:d](n) – запись, протокол, досье, дело

14. on call – по первому вызову, по первому требованию

15. bequeath – завещать недвижимость

16. plead the cause – заявлять основание иска, пледировать

17. right of audience – право выступать в суде

18. appear robed – носить мантию, быть одетым в мантию

19. gown – мантия

20. wig – парик

21. brief (v) – инструктировать адвоката, поручать ведение дел адвокату

22. legal executive - . юрист-исполнитель

23. managing clerk – секретарь-управляющий

24. issue a writ – издать судебный приказ

25. file a document – подавать документ (в суд)

26. practising certificate – разрешение на право заниматься профессиональной деятельностью

27. spot-check – выборочная проверка на месте

28. audit – аудит

29. comply (with smth.) – подчиняться, соблюдать правила

30. exemption – льгота, освобождение (от ч.-л.)

31. conversion – изменение

32. take a conversion course – приобрести другую профессию

33. take a legal practice course – пройти курс юридической практики

34. training contract – договор обучения

35. accounts – бухгалтерский учёт

36. professional conduct – профессиональная этика

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