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Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced Exam Certification Guide - Cisco press.pdf
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C H A P T E R 3

The Cisco Secure PIX Firewall

This chapter discusses the Cisco PIX Firewall in greater detail. It covers the many different models available, including their design and specifications.

How to Best Use This Chapter

Chapter 2, “Firewall Technologies and the Cisco PIX Firewall,” gave you insight into the different firewall technologies and the functionality designed into the Cisco PIX Firewall. This chapter gives you more-specific information about this functionality and how this makes the PIX a truly high-performance solution. This chapter also covers all the PIX models available today and the possible configurations of each model. It is very important for you to understand the technology that powers the Cisco PIX Firewall in great detail. Test yourself with the “Do I Know This Already?” quiz and see how familiar you are with the PIX in general and with the specifics of each available model.

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz

The purpose of this quiz is to help you determine your current understanding of the topics covered in this chapter. Write down your answers and compare them to the answers in Appendix A. If you have to look at any references to correctly answer the questions about the PIX functionality, you should read that portion and double-check your thinking by reviewing the Foundation Summary. It is a good idea to be familiar with the different PIX models, their purpose, and their available options. The concepts in this chapter are the foundation of much of what you need to understand to pass the CSPFA Certification Exam. Unless you do exceptionally well on the “Do I Know This Already?” pretest and are 100% confident in your knowledge of this area, you should read through the entire chapter.

1What is the ASA, and how does the Cisco PIX Firewall use it?

2What three authentication methods can the PIX Firewall use when performing cutthrough proxy?

3Why does the ASA generate random TCP sequence numbers?

24 Chapter 3: The Cisco Secure PIX Firewall

4If a user has successfully authenticated but cannot establish a connection to the server, what is most likely the problem?

5What is the best way to remove the ASA from a PIX Firewall?

6What components of a TCP session does the ASA write to the state table?

7What can cause a session object to be deleted from the state table?

8What are the three ways to initiate a cut-through proxy session?

9What happens to a reply that does not have the correct TCP sequence number?

10How many interfaces does a PIX 501 have, and how many network segments does it support?

11What X509 certificates do all PIX firewalls support?

12What is the maximum throughput of the PIX 535?

13How many interfaces can you install in a PIX 515?

14What is the lowest model number of the PIX Firewall family to support failover?

15What are three methods of managing a Cisco PIX Firewall?

Overview of the Cisco PIX Firewall 25

Foundation Topics

Overview of the Cisco PIX Firewall

As discussed in Chapter 2, the design of the Cisco PIX Firewall provides some significant advantages over application-based firewalls. Having a single operating environment allows the device to operate more efficiently, and because it was designed with security in mind, it is not vulnerable to any known exploits.

Adaptive Security Algorithm (ASA)

A key part of the operating environment is the Adaptive Security Algorithm (ASA). The ASA is more secure and efficient than packet filtering and provides better performance than application-type proxy firewalls. The ASA segregates the network segments connected to the firewall, maintains secure perimeters, and can control traffic between those segments. The firewall’s interfaces are assigned security levels. The PIX can allow outbound traffic to pass from an interface with a higher security level (inside) to an interface with a lower security level (outside) without an explicit rule for each resource on the higher-level segment. Traffic that is coming from an interface with a lower security level destined for an interface with a higher security level must meet the following two requirements: A static translation must exist for the destination, and an access list or conduit must be in place to allow the traffic.

The ASA is designed to function as a stateful, connection-oriented process that maintains session information in a state table. Applying the security policy to the state table controls all traffic passing through the firewall. The ASA writes the connection information to the state table as an outbound connection is initiated. If the connection is allowed by the security policy, the request goes out. Return traffic is compared to the existing state information. If the information does not match, the firewall drops the connection. The security emphasis on the connection rather than on the packets makes it nearly impossible to gain access by hijacking a TCP session.

Figure 3-1 and the following list explain the mechanics of how ASA and stateful filtering work on the PIX:

26 Chapter 3: The Cisco Secure PIX Firewall

Figure 3-1 How the Adaptive Security Algorithm Works











The following list explains the mechanics of how ASA and stateful filtering work on the PIX:

1The internal host initiates a connection to an external resource.

2The PIX writes the following information about this connection into the state table:

Source IP

Source port

Destination IP

Destination port

TCP sequencing information

Additional TCP/UDP flags

A randomly generated TCP sequence number is applied

This entry in the state table is called the session object.

3The connection object is compared to the security policy. If the connection is not allowed, the session object is deleted, and the connection is dropped.

4If the connection is approved by the security policy, the request continues to the external resource.

5The external resource replies to the request.

6The response arrives at the firewall and is compared to the session object. If the response matches the session object, the traffic passes to the internal host. If it does not match, the connection is dropped.

Cut-Through Proxy

The cut-through proxy feature on the Cisco PIX Firewall provides significantly better performance than application proxy firewalls, because it completes user authentication at the application layer, verifies authorization against the security policy, and then opens the connection as authorized by the security policy. Subsequent traffic for this connection is no longer handled at the application layer but is statefully inspected, providing significant performance benefits over proxy-based firewalls.