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      1. Исправьте неверные высказывания в соответствие с содержанием текста:

  1. Advertisers are never coming in for criticism.

  2. Advertising is a productive industry.

  3. A consumer would have to pay less if advertising didn’t create mass markets for products.

  4. Consumer goods are very expensive because of heavy advertising.

  5. The only purpose of advertising is to sell goods.

  6. A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods derives largely from our life experience.

  7. Lots of people never read advertisements.

  8. Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could subsist without advertising.

  9. “Small ads” perform a bad service for community.

  10. You can find nothing useful in what used to be called the “hatch, match and dispatch” column.

  11. The personal or “agony” column provides serious reading.

  12. Advertisers perform a useless service to the community.

      1. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Why are advertisers always coming in for criticism?

  2. Why would the consumer have to pay a great deal more money for goods?

  3. What is the purpose of advertising?

  4. Where do we get a great deal of knowledge about household goods from?

  5. Is it possible not to read advertisements?

  6. Why do we pay so little money for our daily paper?

  7. Why does advertising make a positive contribution to our pockets?

  8. What is the purpose of “small ads”?

  9. What can we read in “hatch, match and dispatch” columns?

  10. What item in a newspaper can offer such a deep insight into human nature?

      1. Заполните пропуски следующими словами:

Deal, idea, criticism, inform, household goods, big, pockets, subsist, purpose, unproductive, create, sell, never, contribution, “hatch, match and dispatch”.

  1. Advertisers tend to think … , and perhaps this is why they’re always coming in for … .

  2. They say “This is entirely … industry.

  3. He’d have to pay a great … more if advertising didn’t … mass markets for products.

  4. But we get the wrong … , if we think the only … of advertising is to … goods.

  5. Another equally important function is to … .

  6. A great deal of the knowledge we have about … derives from the advertisements.

  7. Lots of people pretend that they … read advertisements.

  8. Advertising makes a positive … to our … .

  9. Newspapers couldn’t … without this source of revenue.

  10. You can find a job, buy or sell a house in what used to be called the … columns.

      1. Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания:

  1. They have a flair for self-promotion.

  2. It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumer goods are so cheap.

  3. Another equally important function of advertising is to inform.

  4. Advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets.

      1. Перечислите не менее 5 достоинств рекламы.

      1. Сформулируйте основную мысль каждого абзаца.

      1. Напишите краткую аннотацию текста.