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      1. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

Statements like this, to occupy our spare time, to enjoy pleasures, to entertain our friends, to listen to broadcast talks occasionally, to gulp down our meals, to be in time, exchanging the news, a leisurely evening meal, absolute silence and attention, addicted to the telly, rubbishy commercials, so long as, creative talent available in the world, vast quantities, to keep pace with, maintain high standards, to become dependent on, encourage passive enjoyment, to become content with, little by little, prevent from communicating, a holiday by the sea, far away from.

      1. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

Творческая работа, быть вовремя, обмениваться новостями, неспешная вечерняя трапеза, слушать радиопередачи от случая к случаю, поддерживать высокие стандарты, занять своё свободное время, быстро проглотить свою еду, далеко от, развлекать своих друзей, подобные утверждения, глупые рекламные ролики, идти в ногу с, зависимый от, отпуск у моря, абсолютная тишина и внимание, наслаждаться удовольствием, огромное количество, сгодится бутерброд и стакан пива, стимулировать пассивные развлечения, «прилипнуть» к своим телевизорам, в горах, в полутьме, отрезать от реального мира, не даёт нам общаться друг с другом.

      1. Найдите в тексте предложения с данными словосочетаниями:

All that long; listen to music; sitting at table; it doesn’t interfere; demands and obtains; to open his mouth; addicted to the telly; to keep the children quiet; vast quantities; primitive media of communication; second-hand experiences; to spend a fine day; become aware;

      1. Объясните по-английски значение данных слов и выражений:

To occupy spare time; civilized pleasures; occasionally; to rush home; a leisurely evening meal; to be quickly silenced; addicted to the telly; a universal pacifier; standard practice; a pre-literate community; passive enjoyment; second-hand experience; semi-darkness; natural surroundings.

      1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

А) to forget – to leave – to loose

1. She …. the children with a friend for the afternoon yesterday.

2. He always ….where his car is parked.

3. They must realize that they have ….their outstanding opportunity.

4. I ….to return your book to you.

5. John ….his homework on the bus.

6. You can easily ….a child in a busy street.

Б) to listen to – to hear

1…..carefully to the instructions!

2. Don’t …. her – she knows nothing about it.

3. I haven’t ….him offering to help.

4. I’ve ….very interesting news today

5. Do you like ….music?

6. I ….he’s got a new job.

В) to give up – to stop – to finish

1. Suddenly everyone ….talking.

2. I wish you’d let me ….my sentence!

3. He had ….the idea of marring altogether.

4. It was a difficult time but we never …. hope.

5. The game ….with the score 1-1.

6. There is nothing ….you from asking him. He might agree.

Г) food – meal – dish

1. Dinner is usually our main ….

2. Prices of ….and clothing have risen dramatically in recent years.

3. Her favourite ….is fried chiken.

4. ….of dried fruit and nuts were put on the counter.

5. All the ….is cooked and served by the volunteer helpers.

6. We could see a film or go out for a ….