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      1. Задайте альтернативный и разделительный вопросы к следующим предложениям:

1. The tourist trade is booming.

2. The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at.

3. They deliberately set out to protect their clients from too much contact with the local population.

4. The tourist is allowed to see only what the organizers want him to see and no more.

5. It leads to the persistence of national stereotypes.

6. We are all similar to each other.

      1. Прочитайте данные высказывания и укажите, какие из них соответствуют тексту. Подтвердите свои высказывания фактами из текста:

1. Modern systems of communication by air, sea and land make it possible for us to travel at a high cost.

2. Tourist organizations are responsible for protecting clients from hotel stuff.

3. The modern tourist leads an adventurous life.

4. The tourist is allowed to see what he wants.

5. A strict schedule makes it possible for the tourist to wander off on his own.

6. Language isn’t a barrier for traveling.

7. It’s very good that this situation leads to the persistence of national stereotypes.

8. We always see the people of other nations as they really are.

9. National characteristics don’t act as barriers in understanding other nations.

10. Wild generalizations stir up racial hatred.

      1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What would people expect from traveling to other countries?

2. Can people afford to reserve “grand tours” nowadays?

3. What do modern travellers enjoy while travelling?

4. What are many tourist organizations directly responsible for?

5. What do travel agents deliberately set out?

6. What kind of life does modern tourist lead?

7. What is the tourist allowed to see?

8. How do national stereotypes influence the understanding of other nations?

9. What can help you ruin stereotypes?

10. What do wild generalizations do?

      1. Закончите предложения в соответствие с содержанием текста:

1. With all this coming and going, you’d expect … .

2. Superb system of communication by different kinds of transport make it possible … .

3. Modern travelers enjoy the level of comfort which … .

4. Many tourist organizations deliberately set out … .

5. Modern tourist leads … .

6. The tourist is allowed to see only … .

7. A strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist … .

8. The sad thing about this situation is … .

9. So when you set out on your travels, the only characteristics you notice … .

10. Wild generalizations stir up … .

      1. Сформулируйте главную мысль каждого абзаца.

      1. Составьте аннотацию текста.

      1. Перескажите текст по ключевым словам:

The tourist trade, at a moderate cost, package tour, a level of comfort, to protect, local population, strict schedule, national stereotypes, to bring up, to confirm your preconceptions, absurd and harmful, racial hatred.

      1. Раскройте скобки, употребив герундий или инфинитив. Прочитайте и разыграйте диалог по ролям.

Kim: - I’ll never forget --- ( go) to America for the first time. I was

Incredibly excited although I was trying --- (act) cool and casual.

Tom: - I know. I remember --- (be) quite envious because I wanted ---

(go) there too.

Kim: - Yes, I know. I was a bit over the top, wasn’t I? I’m sorry for ---

(behave) so badly.

Tom: -Yes, you were. You just went on --- (talk) about America

constantly. You hardly let me --- (say) a word. How did you feel

when you first arrived there?

Kim: - I remember --- (worry) about what --- (do) and where --- (go).

I wanted --- (see) everything but I didn’t know where --- (begin).

Tom: - So where did you go first?

Kim: - Well, we started in New York. At first the traffic was so bad that

I was afraid --- (cross) the road. But it got easier. I enjoy --- (see)

the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty and lots of other

things. It was incredible! I love New York!