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    1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

More necessary; almost daily; the tension between old and young; could be lessened; obvious causes; adopt different attitudes; to be impatient to succeed; to have the share of the good things; be rewarded according to the age and experience; take your place in the queue; abilities will be acknowledged; provide with better educational facilities; to break through the barrier; despite the restrictions; give full rein; to reward justly; better society.

    1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

Необходимо протестовать; почти ежедневно; напряжённость, которая существует; самые очевидные причины; в особенности; не терпится преуспеть; так быстро, как только возможно; возраст и опыт; занять место в очереди; гораздо менее важно; будут признаны и вознаграждены; с одной стороны; рабочие места, которые действительно что-то значат; прорваться через преграды; подавляющее большинство; терпеливо ждать; в большинстве областей; лишённый хороших вещей.

    1. Найдите в тексте предложения с данными словосочетаниями:

Adopt different attitudes; understandably impatient; counts for less; join the hierarchy; much less important; in due course; better educational facilities; despite the restrictions; notable exceptions; feel deprived.

    1. Объясните по-английски значения данных слов и выражений:

To lessen the tension; to be ambitious; experience; jobs that really matter; give full rein to the abilities; friction between old and young; different attitudes; to control the purse-strings; conspiracy; adopt ideas.

    1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

А) to receive – to accept – to adopt

1. They offered her a job and she …… without hesitation.

2. He decided to …… a more radical approach to the problem.

3. She …… a camera as a birthday present.

4. Our clients will never …… this proposal.

5. A couple is hoping to …… a baby girl.

6. We have not …… your letter.

7. They found it hard to …… defeat.

8. What time can patients …… visitors?

Б) to consider – to regard – to suppose

1. He is …… buying a used car.

2. There was a god reason to …… that she had left the country.

3. She was accompanied by a man who was …… to be her husband.

4. Nuclear reactors are …… to be dangerous

5. It is an important factor to …… when you are choosing a profession.

6. I …… I had better get back to work.

7. He is a highly ….. young violinist.

8. He is …… whether to accept another job offer.

    1. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо:

  1. Some …. the most obvious causes were removed.

  2. Many young people are equipped ….fine educations.

  3. They should be rewarded according ….their age and experience.

  4. These views are inevitably imposed ….society.

  5. Employers pay the smallest sum ….money consistent ….keeping you …a job.

  6. You take your place …a queue.

  7. ….that time you will be considered old enough to join the Establishment.

  8. ….the one hand society provides them ….better educational facilities; …the other it does its best to exclude them ….jobs that really matter.

  9. The great majority have to wait patiently ….years before they can really give full rein ….their abilities.

  10. All important decisions ….how society is to be run are made ….old people.

  11. Mankind was deprived …a youthful leader.

  12. They are afraid ….losing what they have.