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      1. Напишите предложения, выразив свое желание глаголом wish. Переведите предложения на русский язык:


I’d love to know five foreign languages.

- I wish I knew five foreign languages.

  1. Why don’t they have a bigger flat?

  2. Why don’t we go to a restaurant today?

  3. She hates going to work on Saturdays.

  4. She’d love to study management.

  5. I would like to live in Australia.

  6. He hates doing homework every day.

  7. It’s very hot today.

  8. My parent are abroad.

  9. She doesn’t know English well enough.

  10. He doesn’t have a lot of friends.

      1. Напишите предложения, выразив свое сожаление по поводу прошлого с помощью глагола wish. Переведите предложения на русский язык:


I wanted to study in England.

I wish I had studied in England.

  1. They didn’t go to the party.

  2. He moved to the USA.

  3. He lost all his money.

  4. It was his mistake to say these words.

  5. I didn’t realize that the time had passed.

  6. She didn’t know French.

  7. I have forgotten my credit card at home.

  8. He was too upset that day.

  9. My son didn’t take my advice.

  10. They wasted much time playing computer games.

      1. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя wish (If only):

  1. Если бы у меня сейчас было свободное время!

  2. Жаль, что я опоздал на встречу.

  3. Если бы я умел играть на гитаре!

  4. Жаль, что она не знала ответа на этот вопрос.

  5. Жаль, что они не изменили свое мнение.

  6. Хорошо было бы, если бы он знал правду.

  7. Если бы он сказал мне о своем решении!

  8. Жаль, что она болеет.

  9. Жаль, что мой друг потерял работу.

  10. Если бы я умел летать!

Обратите внимание на смешанные случаи (Mixed Conditionals) употребления времен в условных предложениях, в зависимости от контекста!

If 2 тип --------- 3 тип

If she were much cleverer, she would have been rich by now.

Если бы она была поумнее, она была бы уже богатой сейчас.

If 3 тип ---------- 2 тип

If he had finished his work yesterday, he would be free today.

Если бы он закончил свою работу вчера, он был бы сегодня свободен.

      1. Поставьте глаголы в нужной форме, используя смешанные случаи употребления времен в условных предложениях (Mixed Conditionals):

  1. If I were you, I (to check) the results before I accepted them.

  2. If she were in your position, she (to help) him by now.

  3. If you had caught the flu, you (to feel) ill now.

  4. If he were as silly as you say, he (not to answer) all the questions.

  5. They (not to join) that expedition if they were as timid as you think.

  6. If you hadn’t reminded me before, I (to forget) about it now.

  7. He wouldn’t be in prison now, if he (not to steal) the money.

  8. If they (to invite) me yesterday, I would come to their place tonight.

  9. If Jane were more careful, she (not to leave) her watch in the changing room.

  10. If he had taken his job seriously, he ( not to be ) unemployed now.
