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Раздел 2.3.

    1. Прочтите текст и определите его основную идею:

On April 21st 1,000 high school students will flock to Yale’s Old Campus. With their admission to the university just secured, it is their turn to be feted with everything from meetings with famous professors to pizza parties.

Admission season has just concluded, and it has been another record of the year. The big four – Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and Yale – all took less than 10% of their applicants for the first time ever. Harvard accepted just 7.1% of those who applied.

Explaining the absurd competition at the top is easy. A population bump has increased the college-aged cohort for the past 15 years just as higher percentages of students have decided to enter university. Add to that two other factors: an intensifying obsession with big-name colleges rather than the ones that are cheapest or nearest to home, and the big financial-aid packages at the best universities.

These trends have profoundly altered the selection process in lower ranks. Such universities as Bowdoin and Middlebury also saw low admission rates (18% each). It is now as hard to get into Bowdoin, says the college’s admission director, as it was to get into Princeton in the 70s. That has boosted the cachet of what used to be “safety schools”.

Rarer in lower tires, though, are good financial-aid programmes. Fees will be an even bigger worry as the sub-prime mess savages family finances. And lenders are now unable to raise cash in uneasy debt markets. Even federally guaranteed student loans may become less accessible: Sallie Mae, the largest lender, has just announced that it will charge fees for loan applications.

Some congressmen want the government to buy up securities backed by student debt, and the federal education department may step in as a lender of last resort. Even so, outside the top tires, the big winners in this competition for applicants will be the ones who cause students least anxiety about how they are going to pay for all that learning.

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    1. Письменно переведите текст со словарём.

    1. Напишите небольшую заметку (10-12 предложений) на тему: «Education: knowledge and examinations”

Урок 3

  • Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

  • Тема: “Problems That Government Face”

Pаздел 3.1.

    1. Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол из предложенных в скобках:

  1. He has been training to drive for a month. Now he (can, may) drive well.

  2. He doesn’t feel well now. So he (can’t, may not) play the second game.

  3. I saw him in the garden ten minutes ago. He (can, may) be still there.

  4. The drivers (may, must) be very careful on the road.

  5. The weather is hot. We (might, must) go to bathe.

  6. Where will you go on holiday? I am not quite sure but we (may, can) go to Spain.

  7. I bet you (can, must) get at least two hundred pounds for the painting.

  8. I need to talk to you and I’m afraid it (may not, can’t) wait.

  9. (Can, might) you take the risk that you (can, might) lose your money)?

  10. We (may, must) encourage fathers to take full responsibility for their children.