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    1. Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю:

establishment n

wield v

clash n

tension n

lessen v

obvious a

impatient a

purse-strings n pl

inevitably adv

consistent a

hierarchy n

queue n

acknowledge v

due a

in due course w.c.

exclude v

exception n

despite prep

restriction n

give rein w.c.

assassination n

bitterness n

resent v

rascal n

straight adv

justly adv

friction n

ultimately adv

учреждение, штат, структуры власти

владеть иметь, в руках

гул, шум, столкновение, конфликт

натяжение, напряжение


очевидный, явный

нетерпеливый, беспокойный, раздражительный

ремешки, которыми затягивали кошелёк


согласующийся, последовательный


косичка, очередь

признавать, подтверждать, отблагодарить

должный, надлежащий

в своё время



несмотря на, вопреки


дать волю



негодовать, обижаться

негодяй, мошенник

прямо, немедленно

справедливо ,законно

трение, конфликт

в конечном счёте

    1. Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык:

Civil society; friendly society; affluent society; to ease tension; nervous tension; to reduce tension; to remove from; to remove the coat; for obvious reasons; obvious to somebody; impatient with people; impatient to do something; succeed in getting something; reward someone for something; reward with; a queue to get into the museum; stand in a queue; join a queue; acknowledge that; acknowledge mistakes; in due course; make an exception; be no exception; without exception; with the exception of; speed restrictions; parking restrictions; to place restrictions on.

    1. Прочитайте и переведите предложения на русский язык:

  1. I tried to ease the tension.

  2. Measures are needed to reduce tension between the two states.

  3. Society has to be prepared to support its elderly people.

  4. Never forget that we live in multicultural society.

  5. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool.

  6. She removed her jacket and hung it over the chair.

  7. For obvious reasons I won’t go into details.

  8. It was becoming obvious to her parents that she needed help.

  9. He gets impatient with people who don’t agree with him.

  10. There is a lot of pressure on children to succeed in school.

  11. He finally succeeded in getting a good job.

  12. He always believed that company would reward him for his efforts.

  13. Everyone who reached the summit was rewarded with a magnificent view.

  14. We stood in a queue for over an hour.

  15. A woman joined the queue behind me.

  16. He never acknowledges his mistakes.

  17. Further information will be sent to you in due course.

  18. He felt as though the other children were excluding him.

  19. Climbers are brave people and Robert is no exception.

  20. The country faces restrictions on the use of water.