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      1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle I и Participle II:

  1. A person taking a bath is our patient.

  2. A person taken to hospital was his brother.

  3. The letter written by him was very long.

  4. Don’t make mistakes while writing a report.

  5. The questions put to the professor were very important.

  6. While putting flowers into a vase he broke it.

  7. I saw my neighbour saying goodbye to his girl-friend.

  8. She didn’t understand a word said by him.

  9. He didn’t see the things kept in her box.

  10. Ann entered the room holding a book in her hand.

      1. Выбери необходимую форму причастия:

  1. Who is the girl (doing, done) her task on the blackboard?

  2. The book (writing, written) by him is not very interesting.

  3. The translation (doing, done) by me was right.

  4. The (losing, lost) keys were not found.

  5. The (losing, lost) team will not get the prize.

  6. I don’t like the video (buying, bought) yesterday.

  7. Do you know the boy (coming, come) towards us?

  8. We like the songs (singing, sung) by this singer.

  9. The woman (standing, stood) at the corner is my mother.

  10. The question (discussing, discussed) at the meeting was very urgent.

      1. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Participle I или Participle II:

  1. Пол, вымытый утром, был очень чистый.

  2. Он пел пока мыл пол.

  3. Вчера я был на вечеринке, устроенной моими друзьями.

  4. Вот телеграмма, полученная утром.

  5. Получая телеграмму, он забыл поставит подпись.

  6. Это стихотворение похоже на все стихи, которые пишут подростки.

  7. Как тебе нравится одежда, которую носят сейчас?

  8. Девушка взяла книгу, лежавшую на столе.

  9. Учитель внимательно прочитал сочинения, написанные учениками.

  10. Они посмотрели на девочку, сидящую у озера.

Сравните употребление Present Participle и Perfect Participle

Buyingпокупая having bought - купив

Perfect Participle выражает действие, которое предшествует действию, выраженному глаголу в личной форме.

      1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на Perfect Participle:

  1. Having lost his address I couldn’t write to him.

  2. Having traveled about Europe for two months, he returned home.

  3. She went home, having finished her work.

  4. Having shaken hands with them, we continued our way.

  5. Having collected all the necessary materials, he began writing the report.

  6. Having made the report, Tom left the classroom.

  7. Having answered all the questions, she began retelling the text.

  8. Having checked the compositions, the teacher gave them out to the pupils.

  9. Having read the book, I gave it back to the library.

  10. Having got the telegram, I gave it to my mother.

      1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Participle или Perfect Participle:

  1. (to write) out all the new words, I started to learn them.

  2. (to live) in Kiev, he was able to see all the ancient monuments.

  3. (to hear) my friend’s voice, I left the room to open the door.

  4. We went home, (to look) through the documents.

  5. (to drink) coffee she was talking to her pall.

  6. (to go) down the street, the boy was looking back from time to time.

  7. (to throw) the ball, the little girl ran home.

  8. (to know) French well the pupils can translate the text.

  9. (to see) a stranger the dog started barking.

  10. (to find) the keys we were able to open the door.