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    1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

  1. We are living in a marvellous age.

  2. We are immunized against many diseases.

  3. Remedies will be found for the most stubborn diseases.

  4. We are quietly sitting back.

  5. People may become unrecognizable when they are behind the steering-wheel.

  6. All their hidden disappointments are brought to the surface.

  7. Everything is done for his convenience.

  8. A code was accepted everywhere.

  9. The test should be taken every three years.

  10. These measures may sound very harsh.

    1. Задайте альтернативный и разделительный вопросы к следующим предложениям:

  1. The expectation of life has increased enormously.

  2. Most diseases can be cured.

  3. It is never-ending battle.

  4. His car becomes the extension of his personality.

  5. They are utterly selfish.

  6. The society smiles on the motorists.

  7. They accepted the code.

  8. The driving test should be made far more difficult.

  9. Safety specifications have been done in the USA.

  10. The world is for human beings.

    1. Прочитайте данные высказывания и укажите, какие из них соответствуют тексту. Подтвердите свои высказывания фактами из текста.

  1. The man is usually immunized when he is adult.

  2. Many diseases are now cured with modern drugs.

  3. The life expectancy is going down in the world.

  4. The number of traffic accidents is increasing now.

  5. Less people are mutilated in accidents every year.

  6. The car becomes the part of driver’s personality.

  7. A man changes to the worse when he is behind the steering-wheel.

  8. The car brings out the man’s best qualities.

  9. All man’s hidden features are brought to the surface by the act of driving

  10. The huge car parks make the city an ugly place.

  11. The statistics of accidents is paid great attention.

  12. With regard to driving the laws of most countries are very strict.

    1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What age are we living in?

  2. How are the dangerous diseases cured?

  3. What will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases?

  4. What do we witness every day?

  5. What battle is the man losing?

  6. How does the man change when he is behind the steering-wheel?

  7. Why does he become unrecognisable?

  8. How does society respond to the motorists’ behaviour?

  9. Why are the cities made ugly?

  10. How is the countryside desecrated?

  11. What is conveniently forgotten?

  12. Is it too late to create a world code to reduce this senseless waste of human life?

  13. What should be done to reduce the number of accidents?

  14. What specifications should governments lay down for manufactures?

  15. Should the advertising be allowed on the roads?

  16. How are the proposed measures sound?

    1. Закончите предложения в соответствие с содержанием текста:

  1. People are immunised from birth against ….

  2. The remedies will be found for …..

  3. Every day people witness the incredible slaughter of …..

  4. We are quietly sitting back and …..

  5. When a man is sitting behind a steering-wheel, his car …..

  6. People who are usually quiet and pleasant may become …..

  7. By the act of driving their worst qualities …..

  8. The society smiles on the motorist and seems …..

  9. Because of heavy traffic cities become …..

  10. This frightful statistic is conveniently …..

  11. The laws of some countries are not …..

  12. The driving test should be made …..

  13. Every year all the vehicles should be put through …..

  14. Present drinking and driving laws should be …..