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      1. Скажите, какие аргументы за и против брака приводит читатель. Согласен ли ты с этим? Какое твое мнение по отношению к браку?

      1. Письменно переведите текст со словарем.

      1. Прокомментируйте следующие высказывания:

  1. “Remember this: very little is needed to make a happy life”.

(Mark Aurelius, 121-180)

  1. “There is nothing more tragic in life than the utter impossibility of changing what you have done”.

(John Galsworthy, 1867-1933)

  1. “Everything in this life has to be paid for, and love has to be paid for too”.

(Iris Murdock, 1919 - )

  1. “Life is made up of marble and mud”.


      1. Напишите небольшое сочинение (10-12 предложений) на тему:

“My living position”.


  • Причастие

  • Тема: Generations And Generation Gap

Раздел 6.1

Причастие (The Participle) соответствует русскому причастию действительного залога настоящего времени и деепричастию несовершенного вида.

Resting - отдыхая, отдыхающий

Формы причастия








having asked

being asked


having been asked

      1. Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами с Present Participle Active:


The woman who is looking out of the window is my aunt.

The woman looking out of the window is my aunt.

  1. The children who are playing in the garden are very noisy.

  2. She came up to the man who was standing at the door.

  3. There was a lot of work which was waiting for us.

  4. He didn’t like the people who were surrounding him.

  5. I noticed the people who were waiting for the taxi.

  6. We are not the fans of the team which is losing.

  7. I don’t know the man who is entering the door.

  8. There is the man in front of him who is hurrying along the street.

  9. We were looking at the kittens who were playing on the lawn.

  10. The girl who was singing was about sixteen.

      1. Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами с Present Participle Active:


When she came home, she turned on the light.

Coming home, she turned on the light.

  1. When you read English text, copy out the new words.

  2. While he was waiting for me, he became the witness of an accident.

  3. When I was walking through the park, I saw some beautiful flowers.

  4. When you are leaving the house, don’t don’t forget to lock the door.

  5. He didn’t tell the truth when he was writing the letter.

  6. When she saw them, she smiled with pleasure.

  7. When a child is growing up, he depends on his parents.

  8. When he begins to work, he will not forget our instructions.

  9. When a young man is choosing a profession, he needs advice.

  10. When you see a robbery, call the police.