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    1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

Marvellous age; dangerous diseases; a large number of; modern drugs and surgery; the expectation of life; never-ending battle; a man’s very worst qualities; quiet and pleasant; become unrecognisable; ill-mannered and aggressive; utterly selfish; to be brought to the surface; because of heavy traffic; nothing more than; conveniently forgotten; senseless waste; with regard to driving; not strict enough; universally accepted; test for safety; to be allowed to drive; to make much stricter; amount of alcohol in the blood; speed limits; be considered as too severe; result in reducing.

    1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

С точки зрения; с рождения; самые опасные заболевания; вылечиваться современными лекарствами; возможность прожить долгую и счастливую жизнь; когда-либо прежде; спокойно сидим к этому спиной и позволяем этому происходить; как правильно говорят; продолжение его личности; нет сомнения; могут стать неузнаваемыми; своенравный как двухлетний ребёнок; огромные парковки; выносить на поверхность; напряжённое транспортное движение; сократить бессмысленную потерю человеческих жизней; недостаточно строгие; гораздо более сложный; повысить по меньшей мере до; следует запретить.

    1. Найдите в тексте предложения с данными словосочетаниями:

The most dangerous diseases; increased enormously; man is losing; there is no doubt; behind a steering –wheel; hidden frustrations; to condone his behaviour; a dramatically beneficial effect; alcohol in the blood; advertising stressing power; after all.

    1. Объясните по-английски значение данных слов и выражений:

One day remedies; the extension of his personality; to become unrecognisable;

ill-mannered; to become selfish; uninhabitable city; a vehicle; speed limits; beneficial effect; hidden frustrations.

    1. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

А) to lose – to miss – to waste

1. Many people ….. their job last year.

2. Don’t ….. your breath arguing with him.

3. I tried to catch a ball but …...

4. He had to ….. a week of school.

5. It made him sick to see all that hard work …...

6. The family ….. everything when their house burnt down.

7. I’ve got a meeting and I don’t want to ….. the train.

8. She …..no time in spreading the gossip.

Б) to become – to get – to grow

1. The problem ….. worse.

2. You ….. ten points for each correct answer.

3. What sort of building was it before it ….. a museum.

4. He has spent the past seven years ….. his business.

5. I am sick of ….. shouted at for things that aren’t my fault.

6. In 1603 James ….. King of England.

7. Did you ….. tickets for the game?

8. They had ….. to love the place and the people.

    1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами, где это необходимо:

  1. A large number ….once fatal illnesses can now be cured ….modern drugs.

  2. The motor-car often brings ….a man’s very worst qualities.

  3. All their hidden frustrations seem to be brought …the surface ….the act ….driving.

  4. Everything is done ….his convenience.

  5. Towns are made ugly …huge car parks.

  6. The laws are not strict enough ….regard ….driving.

  7. A code could only have a dramatically beneficial effect …. the accident rate.

  8. The age ….which young people are allowed to drive should be raised …. …. least 21.

  9. Even the smallest amount … alcohol …. the blood can impair a person’s driving ability.

  10. It results ….reducing the annual toll ….human life.