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    1. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

  1. We might marvel at the progress in every field of study.

  2. It is common knowledge that they often do the exact opposite.

  3. It is hard to work under extreme pressure.

  4. Your whole future depends on the exams.

  5. No one can give of his best when he is in mortal terror.

  6. The child enters a world of competition.

  7. The student should read widely.

  8. The exams lower the standards for they deprive the teacher of all freedom.

  9. There must surely be many effective ways.

  10. It is cynical to suggest that exams are merely a profitable business.

    1. Задайте альтернативный и разделительный вопросы к следующим предложениям:

  1. It is really extraordinary.

  2. You weren’t feeling very well.

  3. The exam goes on.

  4. We wonder at the increasing number of “drop-outs”.

  5. A good education trains you to think for yourself.

  6. He taught some subjects at the university.

  7. They lowered the standards of teaching.

  8. You have written the scripts

  9. They have to mark scripts.

  10. The teachers will be surprised at the results.

    1. Прочитайте данные высказывания и скажите, какие из них соответствуют тексту. Подтвердите свои высказывания фактами из текста.

  1. There is great progress in every field of study.

  2. The methods of testing person’s knowledge have changed..

  3. Educationists have devised more efficient and reliable methods than exams.

  4. Exams are a good means of training memory.

  5. Exams tell you everything about a person’s true ability.

  6. A person’s future depends little on the exams.

  7. Success and failure are carefully measured at school.

  8. It is very easy to give of your best at the examination after a sleepless night

  9. The number of “drop-outs” is decreasing.

  10. A good education should train young people only to think about themselves.

  11. Exams motivate a student to read widely.

  12. The teachers despise teaching exam techniques.

    1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What is the pious claim for all?

  2. What may the exams be a good test of?

  3. What can they tell you about person’s true ability and aptitude?

  4. When may your whole future be decided?

  5. Who can give of his best at the exam after a sleepless night?

  6. What happens when a child begins school?

  7. \What should a good education train you among other things?

  8. How do examinations motivate the student to read?

  9. Why are the students induced cramming?

  10. How are the teachers judged?

  11. What do they train their students instead of teaching subjects?

  12. How are the most successful candidates educated?

  13. What techniques are they trained in?

  14. Under what conditions do the examiners work?

  15. When do you have the right of appeal?

  16. What is the best comment on the exam system on author’s opinion?

    1. Закончите предложения в соответствие с содержанием текста:

  1. Testing person's knowledge and ability remains …..

  2. The educationist couldn’t devise anything …..

  3. It is common knowledge that exams …..

  4. The exams are probably a good means …..

  5. They can’t tell you anything …..

  6. Very much depends on …..

  7. When it is an exam it doesn’t matter if ….

  8. It is impossible to do your best if …..

  9. In the world of competition the success or failure ….

  10. Can you be surprised at the increasing number …..

  11. The students should memorise things according to ….

  12. Examinations motivate the students …..

  13. The standards of teaching go down because …..

  14. The best candidates are usually …..

  15. The results of the exams are really …..

  16. Examiners are human beings; they also …..

  17. There should be some more effective …..

  18. One of the failed candidates wrote …..