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    1. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

  1. Он попросил нас принести ему воды.

  2. Преподаватель попросил взять другие учебники.

  3. Он сказал нам купить эту машину, потому что она очень надёжная.

  4. Управляющий сказал не отправлять этот документ факсом.

  5. Доктор сказал принимать по одной таблетке три раза в день.

  6. Он сказал оплатить счета как можно быстрее.

  7. Когда я вошла, он попросил меня сесть и внимательно прочитать контракт.

  8. Как только мы приехали в отель, он попросил её распаковать чемоданы.

  9. Лектор сказал студентам написать рефераты к концу месяца.

  10. Директор сказал сотрудникам не спорить с клиентами.

    1. Ответьте на вопросы по теме:

1. Do people have equal rights in our society?

2. Are they rewarded according to their labour?

3. Are young people equal in their rights with elder people?

4. Do they have the same opportunities in getting a job?

5. Are there any limitations regarding the age in this respect?

6. Do you think it is difficult to find a good job for the youngsters?

7. What does it depend on?

8. How would you look for a job?

9. What is more important interesting and creative work or just well-paid?

10. Do you think there are some age restrictions when it is a job that really matter?

    1. Соотнесите слова с их определениями:









- people in official organisations with legal power to make people obey laws or rules

- an amount of money that you earn for working usually according to how many hours or days you work each week or month

- something good that happens or that you receive because of something that you have done

- a fixed amount of money that you earn each month or year from your job

- work that you do regularly to earn money

- people in general living together in organised communities; with laws and traditions controlling the way that they behave towards each other

- activity that involves physical or mental effort

- the most important and powerful people in the country who are often thought of as being conservative and wanting to preserve their own power and influence

    1. Вставьте в текст пропущенные слова из данных ниже (три слова лишние):

choose party role opportunities distribution

equality changes supporter homemaking mother pay

Many women reject the straitjacket role of child bearing and ……, jobs which women didn’t …… for themselves but which had been imposed on them by a male-dominated society. Not that the role of wife and …… is no longer honorable. It is, and numerous women still find homemaking a satisfying career. But in recent years, many thoughtful women have sought to expand this ……. They want absolute …… with men – in marriage, in the workplace, in politics. Shouldn’t women receive the same …… as men for the same work, have the same educational ……, and be able to rise in any occupation as far as they can? It is no exaggeration to call current …… a social revolution – not only for women but for men, too.