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      1. Задайте разделительный и альтернативный вопросы к следующим предложениям:

  1. They were very poor.

  2. They wanted to get married.

  3. They waited until they found good jobs with good prospects.

  4. Large organizations lent them money.

  5. We are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive.

  6. The Joneses are struggling frantically to keep up with their neighbours.

  7. Consumer goods are desirable everywhere.

  8. Modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets.

  9. The wheels of industry must be kept turning.

  10. Cars get tinnier and tinnier.

  11. Highly skilled people offer their services to the highest bidder.

  12. “Fringe benefits” are offered to them.

      1. Прочитайте данные высказывания и укажите, какие из них не соответствуют тексту. Подтвердите свои высказывания фактами из текста:

  1. We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our early years to be generous.

  2. Our possessions are clearly labeled from our adulthood.

  3. It doesn’t surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of our abilities.

  4. If we buy a new television set, the Joneses are very glad.

  5. The saddest thing about this game is that the Joneses are struggling frantically to keep up with their neighbours.

  6. They spend borrowed money kindly provided at a high rate of interest by friendly banks.

  7. Only in affluent society people are obsessed with the idea of making more money.

  8. The wheels of industry must be kept turning.

  9. “Built-in obsolescence” provides the means: goods are made to last forever.

  10. This materialistic outlook has slightly influenced education.

  11. The demand for skilled personnel is less than the supply.

  12. “Brain drain” is the process by which low skilled people offer their services to the highest bidder.

      1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Why didn’t young people’s parents let them get married?

  2. What did large organizations do to help a young couple to buy a house?

  3. How long did the couple pay off their debts?

  4. What are we trained from our earliest years?

  5. What do we discover when we grow old enough to earn a living?

  6. How do we spend our lives?

  7. What kind of money do we spend keeping up with our neighbours?

  8. What idea are people obsessed with not only in affluent societies?

  9. Why does modern industry deliberately set out to create new markets?

  10. What has this materialistic outlook seriously influenced?

  11. What do big companies do to recruit students?

  12. What have recruiting tactics of this kind led to?

      1. Закончите предложения в соответствие с содержанием текста:

  1. The young man had a good job with good prospects, so large organizations lent him … .

  2. The couple lived happily aver after … .

  3. We live in a materialistic society and are trained … .

  4. When we grow old enough to earn a living, we discover that … .

  5. We spend the whole of our lives … .

  6. We spend borrowed money kindly provided … .

  7. It’s not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed … .

  8. Gone are the days when … .

  9. Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire … .

  10. Big companies compete with each other … .

  11. Recruiting tactics of this kind have led to … .

  12. While Mammon is worshiped … .

      1. Сформулируйте главную мысль каждого абзаца.

      1. Составьте аннотацию текста.

      1. Перескажите текст по ключевым словам:

A good job with good prospects, to lend the money, to pay off debts, materialistic society, to earn a living, in terms of the money you earn, to keep up with the neighbours, to spend borrowed money, to be obsessed with the idea, to influence education, brain drain, to worship a Mammon.

      1. Прокомментируйте пословицы Time is money, Ideas are food. Согласны ли вы с этими высказываниями?

  1. E-mail is great because it saves time.

  2. Don’t rush decision-making. Always take time to chew things over.

  3. Everybody should spend at least one year living in a foreign country.

  4. Going to the gym is a huge waste of time.

  5. The difficulty with exams is that you always run out of time.

  6. Always think things through carefully. Half-baked ideas are no good to anyone.

  7. It’s best to read serious books. They give you food for thought.

  8. As people get older, they tend to use their time more profitably.