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Transport and Logistics

The fortunes of the transport and logistics industry are closely connected to the economic cycle. When economic activity is buoyant, demand for transport and logistics services is equally strong. Consumer and business demand for goods and services inevitably translates into higher demand.

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Логистика - часть экономической науки и область деятельности, предмет которых заключается в организации и регулировании процессов продвижения товаров от производителей к потребителям, функционирования сферы обращения продукции, товаров, услуг.

State-owned corporations

In Russia, a JSC can be completely or partially owned by the federal government. Such JSCs are different from another type of state-controlled company, the unitary enterprise. This is a commercial organization that operates state-owned assets. State-owned JSCs do not own or operate any state property and the state acts just like an ordinary shareholder.

Some state-owned public corporations were formerly government agencies in the Soviet Union which were reorganized into completely state-owned JSCs in 1992-1993 in order to undergo transition to a fully independent business. The management and the board of directors in such state-owned corporations were appointed by the Council of Ministers/the government, and included top government officials and ministers. The largest of such corporations were initially incorporated as Russian joint-stock companies (RAOs). Best known examples were RAO UES and RAO Gazprom. But they have since been converted to public JSCs (OAO), even though their shares remain the property of the government. Less important or partially owned JSCs are managed through the Federal Agency for State Property Management.


While a joint-stock company presents several advantages compared to a typical business establishment, the burden of creating a JSC typically outweighs that of a limited liability company(LLC). This is especially true in Russia where the abnormally excessive legal and bureaucratic challenges facing prospectiveentrepreneurstypically dissuade most from starting a JSC.[3] Without the need to issue shares in an LLC, it makes limited liability companiesmuch more flexible when the need arises for members to change the charter capital of the company. Furthermore, a limited liability company can collectively or individually hold at least a 10% interest in the company’s charter capital, and it does not have the power to request a court expel another participant.[3] All of this is not possible in a joint-stock company, or prohibitively difficult.


  1. Синонимические пары:

* each and every;

* benign and slight (мягкий);

* reliability and dependability (надежность);

* insight (проницательность) and understanding;

* neatly(аккуратно) and carefully;

* drawbacks and disadvantages;

* fitting (соответствующий) and proper;

* constraints and limitations;

* accuracy and precision;

* readily(быстро) and easily;

* straightforward (прямой) and simple;

* trade-offs and compromises;

* difficulties and complications;

* relevant and suitable.

Синонимическая пара в технических текстах переводится на русский одним значением с добавлением определенных количественных наречий «очень», «вполне», «довольно», «весьма», «достаточно»:

Installation of the automation equipment must be performed neatly and carefully to assure dependable and reliable) operation throughout its service life. Установка автоматического оборудования должна выполняться очень тщательно, чтобы обеспечить его (высоко) надежную работу в течение всего срока службы.

Иногда авторы и сами ставят это определительное количественное наречие:

1) This technique was selected as being rather straightforward and simple to apply.

2) The cavitation damage determinations were themselves relatively simple and straightforward.

3) It is realized that older spectrometers exist whose precision and accuracy are not this good. Понятно, что существуют и более старые спектрометры, точность которых не так высока.

Для переводов описаний изобретений часто встречаются следующие синонимические пары:

- To improve and increase the efficiency (повысить КПД);

- To avoid and overcome the disadvantage (устранить недостаток);

- The object and purpose of the invention (цель изобретения);

- Yet another and further object (еще один признак изобретений).