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6. Constraints adoption

6.1. Read the text.

The factors that constrain adoption do not, of course, exist in isolation and the presence of one constraint may be exacerbated by the presence of others. Little is known, however, about the relative efficacy of interventions to address constraints one-by-one versus interventions that address a suite of constraints simultaneously. Other factors, such as gender, cut across the constraints and affect the strategies for and the distributional consequences of overcoming each of the adoption constraints. To the extent possible, research under ATAI will go beyond addressing single constraints to investigate whether it is necessary to work on multiple constraints at once or whether progress can be made on single constraints.

6.2. Answer the questions

1. Why the problems associated with poorly functioning labor markets have important implications for non-agriculture issues, such as education and gender equality?

2. What can influence farmers’ decisions about technology adoption?

3. Which factors are clearly related to poorly functioning markets in rural areas?

4. Please, could you number such poorly functioning markets?

5. Please, could you number alternatives to standard forms of collateral kind?

6. What can forms of collateral kind improve?

7 Do they have to address the functioning of the credit market?

8. Is it necessary to work on multiple constraints at once or progress can be made on single constraints?

6.3. Complete each sentence with one of the following words:

affect correlated adoption exacerbated incentives behavioral

1. New technologies also … the distribution of labor within the household.

2. … economics offers an intriguing set of … theories on how to help people overcome these heuristics and biases?

3. Applying these … economics ideas to the promotion of agricultural technologies may help increase adoption.

4. The presence of one constraint may be … by the presence of others.

5. Seasonally fluctuating labor demands can undermine … to invest in education if demand for labor is highest during times when school is in session.

6. Education levels are highly … with technology adoption rates in agriculture.

6.4. Translate the sentences.

1. They do not have to cut this part as close as possible. It accounts for the worst tolerance.

2. The assets account for one hundred million dollars.

3. Sound propagates after the manner of.

4. All spare parts are delivered ahead of.

5. It accounts for 25 per cent. Это составляет 25%.

6. A recent project involved collaboration between sociologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, linguists, agronomists, biologists, mathematical modelers and the like (и тому подобное).

7. Friction cone clutch was offered as an alternative to a cylinder one.

8. The piston goes up and down, back and.

9. Water can only be added, and by no means be taken away. So after a series of balance corrections, the chambers are full, and by all means the grinder must be stopped for the chambers to be emptied.

10. Motors account for over 60 per cent of their production.

11. The traditional method of balancing grinding wheels off the machine by adjusting movable weights is no longer fitting and proper in many respects.

12. At will cranes use more simple machines to create mechanical advantage.

13. For an engine to operate, the following sequence of 4 end to end (непрерывный) events must occur.

14. One can calculate man-days loss per annum; per diem (в день) per mensem (в месяц).