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3. In the given examples the verb to be has different meanings. What are they?

  1. The new construction materials are being successfully used for build­ing purposes.

  2. The construction materials to be supplied will be carefully tested before being used.

  1. The researchers are successfully using the new construction materials.

  1. Some new construction materials are to be used for building this experimental centre.

  1. What new materials can be used for construction purposes?

Unit 5. Рекомендации по переводу

Перевод английского предложения не следует начинать с пер­вого слова. Любое предложение надо дочитать до конца и лишь по­сле этого осмыслить его и оформить средствами русского языка.

Если понимание (перевод) предложения вызывает затруднение, рекомендуется прежде всего определить в нем сказуемое. Сказуемое составляет смысловой центр предложения, занимает относительно постоянное место и обычно имеет формальные признаки.

Формальные признаки сказуемого




-ed (или особая форма у нестандартных глаголов)

made, dried, played

am, is, are

is (are) making

was, were

was (were) made

have, has, had

have (has, had) made

must, should

must (should) make

have (has, had) to

have to make

am (is, are) to

are to be made

was (were) to

was to make

do, does, did

does not make

can, could

can (could) make

may, might

may (might) have made

will, would

will (would) make

shall, should

shall (should) make

ought to

ought to make

1. State the voice and the tense form of the following verbs:

Example: was removed – Past Indefinite Passive


does not oppose


had been used


will not be heated

is balanced

will be linked

is not opposed

will release

was prevented

will have been removed

2. Change the sentences into questions.

  1. Steel was combined with concrete.

  2. The use of this device requires considerable care.

  3. New testing methods are being discussed.

  4. Support structures will be built over this area.

  5. Numerous computers regularly analyze the data.

3. Put down the tense forms of the verbs.

Example: to lower – Present Perfect – have (has) lowered

to heat

Past Indefinite

to discharge

Present Continuous

to remove

Present Perfect

to burn

Present Perfect Continuous

to waste

Future Indefinite

to demand

Past Perfect

to move

Future Perfect