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Modern Construction пособие.doc
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17. Find in the text answers to the following questions. Work in pairs. Use such expressions as:

I think/ suppose/ consider/ believe; to my mind/ in my opinion; as far as I remember/ know/ understand; Let me see…; How shall I put it?; Well, let me think…; Let's put it this way…; I'll have to think about that; The best way I can answer that is…; That's a good question.; That's a difficult question.

  1. What is silicate industry?

  2. What is the production of ceramic goods based on? Why do they become hard and retain their shape?

  3. What materials are used to make silicate bricks?

  4. What is cement made from? How is it made?

  5. Why is cement used widely as a binding material in large-scale construction, including underwater construction?

  6. What is glass made from? How is it made?

  7. Where and why is sand used?

  8. Where is lime used? What groups is it divided into?

18. Give the definitions to the following terms:

 cooling

 putty

 slaked lime

 mortar

 running kilns

19. Match the following definitions with their terms:

1. sand

a. one of a group of common solid mineral substances that exist naturally in the Earth

2. cement

b. a mixture of cement or lime, and sand and water, used in building for holding bricks or stones together

3. silicate

c. a white substance obtained by burning limestone, used for making cement, marking sports fields

4. lime

d. a substance consisting of very small pieces of rocks and minerals, that forms beaches and deserts

5. mortar

e. a grey powder made from lime and clay that becomes hard when it is mixed with water and allowed to dry, and that is used in building

20. Group these phrases under the following headings and speak about:

  1. Cement Production

  2. Glass Production

to roast in; large-scale construction; ordinary glass; to move through the kiln; building material; bath-shaped furnace; defi­nite portions; cylindrical rotary kilns; to ignite at a tempera­ture; a mixture of substances; cooling semiliquid mass; to press; the molten mass.

21. Speak on the following topic:

  • The glass production.

22. Translate the following sentences:

1. Силикатная промышленность, перерабатывающая природные соединения кремния, включает производство цемента, стекла и керамики.

2. Мы наблюдали, как формовали жидкую массу стекла.

3. После того, как смесь извести, соды и песка нагрели в печи, она стала вязкой и готовой принять любую форму.

4. Полагали, что смесь крупно- и мелкозернистого песка делает цемент плотнее.

5. Студенты уже 2 недели работают над проектом этого здания, но еще не закончили работу.

6. Песок, используемый в качестве мелкого заполнителя, необходим при производстве бетона и цемента.

7. После того как цемент смешали с водой, он образовал строительный раствор, который затвердел.

8. Я бы хотел, чтобы нагрузка на фундамент была рассчитана к концу смены.

9. Наши партнеры поинтересовались, не хотим ли мы спроектировать для них еще один объект.

10. Вес конструкции уже рассчитан, и сейчас рассчитывают рабочую нагрузку.