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Вариант 3 (для студентов специальности экология)

I. Образуйте производные при помощи указанных суффиксов и переведите их на русский язык (см Образец выполнения 1)

- tion – protect, investigate, attract, introduce

- ist – journal, psychology, biology, lyrics

- less – blame, class, resist, life

- ic – climate, geography, gene, alcohol

II. Прочитайте и перепишите следующие предложения. Определите и выпишите видо-временную форму и залог всех глаголов, определите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. For many years Britain has had policies and laws to protect its natural environment as well as its buildings and monuments of special historical and architectural interest.

2. Even the government, which invested a lot of money in nuclear energy in the 1980s, has been forced to admit that it’s not a good idea.

3. Areas which are few years ago seemed inviolate because they are empty and worthless, such as polar and desert regions, are now exploited for their minerals and tourist value.

III. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

1. The concept of an ecosystem can be applied at almost any scale and under al environmental conditions where life is possible.

2. People began to realize that wilderness areas must be preserved, not merely so that endangered species should survive.

3. People need water and paper so they have to cut down forests. .

IV. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из Active Voice в Passive voice (см Образец выполнения 2)

1. Many countries set up environmental protection agencies and research centres.

2. Depression moving eastward across the Atlantic influenced the weather greatly.

3. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees.

4. They are building a new concert hall in our street.

V. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод конструкций с Participle I , Participle II и Gerund.

1. Some animals possessing unbearable odours or poisons as a defence also have warning colorations, that act as further warning signals to potential predicators.

2. Man seems to be busy destorying the environment: the area of the rain forests is shrinking and deserts are expanding.

3. A series of observations conducted in Aral Sea region since 1964 reveal that the changes in the level of the sea depend on climate changes to the extent of 15 per cent.

VI. Прочитайте текст, спишите и письменно переведите 1-6-й абзацы текста.


1. Interrelations between man and the biosphere are of a fairly complex nature. man, like every other living organism, depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food and shelter. On the other hand, the biosphere is strongly affected by all sorts of human activity.

2. Technology powerfully amplifies the effects of human beings on the biosphere. Prehistoric man withdrew from the atmosphere only the oxygen he required for respiration; technological man consumes a far greater amount of oxygen to support fires, power plants and chemical processes. The carbon dioxide produced by technological processes has measurably altered the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.

3. Apart from the amplification of such natural processes in the biosphere, technology has introduced into the biosphere substances wholly new to it: man-made radio-isotopes and a wide variety of synthetic materials such as plastics, insecticides, herbicides and numerous industrial materials. These, too, alter the biosphere.

4. The problem has already been discussed at a large number of conferences, some of them sponsored by the United nations Organization. however, relatively little has so far been done to check environmental pollution.

5. The problems of the environmental crisis has recently assumed global proportions. both scientists and politicians agree that unless some radical steps are taken before long, life on our planet may be irrevocably damaged if not destroyed altogether.

6. For there undoubtedly exists a conflict, an incompatibility between the tenets of an industrial society and those of ecology. Industry is bound to expand continuously, al ecological systems tend toward stability and equilibrium.

7. There seems to be at least two general courses of action which might be adopted in order that the environmental doom may be averted. One would be to curb the dynamics of industrial development; the other - to turn technology to the construction of physiologically and socially healthy environment. The former possibility being highly unrealistic, the latter one seems to be the only path to follow.

VII. Прочитайте 7-й абзац и письменно ответьте на вопрос.

What are the ways of environmental problems?

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