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Вариант 2 (для студентов специальности экология)

I. Образуйте производные при помощи указанных суффиксов и переведите их на русский язык (см Образец выполнения 1)

- er – write, lead, manage, paint

- ment – move, develop, govern, argue

- ly – day, direct, sudden, final

- ic – hero. base, sympathy, topography

II. Прочитайте и перепишите следующие предложения. Определите и выпишите видо-временную форму и залог всех глаголов, определите их инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Nobody noticed that people were destroying nature by using it as the source of raw materials and the garbage can for our waste.

2. Because of the dangers of pesticides to wildlife and to humans, and because insects have acquired resistance to them, the use of halogenated hydrocarbons such as DDT is declining rapidly in the western world, although large quantities are still used in developing countries.

3. Most scientists agree that the temperature of the atmosphere will rise by 1,5 degree C.

III. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

1. To reduce environmental degradation and for humanity to save its habitat, societies must recognize that the environment is finite.

2. Expanding human populations need irrigation systems and water for industry.

3. The destruction of wild lands could result in massive extinction of animal and plant life.

IV. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из Active Voice в Passive voice (см Образец выполнения 2)

1.They will carry our this experiment next week.

2. Somebody has left all the documents in the office.

3. My friends invited me to their wedding party.

4. People always admire this picture.

V. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод конструкций с Participle I , Participle II и Gerund.

1. Disappointed by Darwin’s lack of enthusiasm for medicine, his father sent him to the University of Cambridge to study divinity.

2. Influenced by latitude, elevation and associated moisture and temperature regimes, biomes-plant formations vary from the tropics to the arctic, from tundra to tropical rain forest.

3. A great problem facing the nuclear industry is the storage of nuclear waste.

VI. Прочитайте текст, спишите и письменно переведите 1-5-й, 7-й абзацы текста.


1. The man appeared late in the earth’s history, but was able to change the earth’s environment by its actions. Humans first appeared in Africa and they quickly spread throughout the world. Having unique mental and physical capabilities, humans were able to change the environment to meet their needs.

2. Early humans obviously lived in harmony with the environment but they began the first prehistoric agricultural revolution. The ability to control and use fire allowed them to modify or eliminate natural vegetation, and the domestication and herding of grazing animals resulted in overgrazing and soil erosion. The domestication of plants also led to the destruction of natural vegetation to make room for crops, and the demand for fuel left bare mountains and exhausted forests. Wild animals were killed for food and destroyed as pests and predators.

3. While human populations remained small and human technology modest, their impact on the environment was localized. As populations increased and technology improved and expanded, however, more significant and widespread problems arose.

4. Rapid technological advances after the Middle Ages culminated in the Industrial Revolution, which involved the discovery, use, and exploitation of fossil fuels, as well as the extensive exploitation of the earth’s mineral resources. With the Industrial Revolution, humans began in earnest to change the face of the earth, the nature of its atmosphere, and the quality of its water.

5. Today, unprecedented demands on the environment from a rapidly expanding human population and from advancing technology are causing a continuing and accelerating decline in the quality of the environment and its ability to sustain life.

6. The environmental outlook for the future is mixed. In spite of economic and political changes, interest in and concern about the environment remains high. Air quality has improved, but problems of acid deposition, chlorofluorocarbons and ozone depletion, and heavy air pollution in Eastern Europe still seek solutions and concerted action.

7. Until acid deposition is diminished, loss of aquatic life in northern lakes and streams will continue, and forest growth may be affected. Water pollution will remain a growing problem as increasing human populations put additional stress on the environment. Infiltration of toxic wastes into coastal freshwater aquifers have not been stopped.

VII. Прочитайте 6-й абзац и письменно ответьте на вопрос.

What are the most urging environmental problems In Eastern Europe?

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