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3) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. I appreciate his empathic approach.

2. I'll give you three guesses.

3. Police admitted that they blundered when they let him go.

4. The prospect of being judged by subordinates made some managers very uneasy.

5. The president is believed to favor further tax cuts.

6. The company is the nation's second largest retailer in terms of sales volume.

7. She says she admires the way he handled the controversy.

4) Match the words which are close in their meaning:

favor (v)







rely upon



5) Match the words having the opposite meaning:



favor (v)








6) Complete the following sentences (favored; ability; trust; blundered; opinions; guess; information; audience; arise):

1. Don't necessarily_____the information you get if it appears to be only


2. Too many speakers have innocently___

3. Get a chance to see how his or her mind works, what word phrases are____, and what kinds of_____are expressed.

4. Such understanding and empathic____do not_______in a vacuum.

7) Explain the grammatical structure of the following sentence. Use it in sentences of your own:

Listen to the speaker talk - to other groups, to subordinates, to yourself.

8) Answer the following questions:

1. What do sociologists call emphatic ability?

2. How can understanding and emphatic ability develop?

3. In what way can you research the audience?

4. Which questions should be answered?

5. How can you find the answers to them?

6. What should you know about the speaker?

9) Can you explain the following?

1. The good speechwriter has the ability to stand in the shoes of the person who must give the speech.

2. In a sense, you become your client's alter ego.

10) Render the following text in English:

Прежде чем решить, что говорить, познакомьтесь со своей аудиторией

Если ваша аудитория жертвует временем, чтобы услышать вас, значит, она хочет получить - в увлекательном и интересном изложении - новую инфор­мацию и понять ее значимость для волнующих эту аудиторию проблем.

Чтобы общение с аудиторией было актуальным и убедительным, надо преж­де всего собрать о ней как можно больше информации: род занятий, образова­ние, пол, культурная и этническая принадлежность, политические симпатии, важнейшие местные проблемы и установки. Это поможет понять, что слу­шатели думают, чувствуют, узнать их убеждения и мотивы.

Настроенность на конкретную аудиторию служит ключевым условием правильного донесения необходимой информации.

Используйте юмор, подходящий для вашей темы и культурных традиций аудитории. Сказанная к месту шутка способствует созданию образа надежного друга и поможет слушателям лучше понять то, что вы говорите. Однако юмор -обоюдоострое оружие: он может сблизить вас и улучшить понимание, но мо­жет и вызвать антагонизм.

Если аудитория, условия и обстановка не совсем знакомы вам, покажите за­метки тем, кто обладает достаточным опытом и авторитетом. Самое надежное правило: «Не уверен - не делай».

Text В

Paying the Groundwork for the Speech

Ideally, a writer should have lengthy conversations with the speaker before begin­ning to write a rough draft of the talk. In a conversational setting, you and the speak­er should discuss the speech in terms of objective, approach, strategy, point to empha­size, scope, and facts or anecdotes the speaker would like to include.


First you must determine the objective. Just what is the speech supposed to accom­plish? What attitude should the audience have when the speech is concluded?

Everything that goes into the speech should be pertinent to that objective. Material that does not help attain the objective should not be used. Whether the objective is to inform, persuade, activate, or commemorate, that particular objective must be upper­most in the mind of the speechwriter.


The approach might be described as the tone of the speech. A friendly audience may appreciate a one-sided talk, with no attempt to give both sides of an issue. For exam­ple, a politician at a fund-raising dinner of supporters does not bother to give the oppo­sition's views. An executive talking to the company's sales force does not need to praise the competitor's product.

Most speaking engagements, however, take place before neutral audiences where the audience may have mixed views or even a lack of knowledge about the topic.

In such a case, it is wise to take a more objective approach and give an overview of the various viewpoints. The speech can still advocate a particular position, but the audience will appreciate the fact that you have included other points of view. From the standpoint of persuasion, you also have more control over how the opposition view is expressed if you say it instead of waiting for an audience member to bring it up. When someone stands up and says, "What you say is fine, but you didn't consider the prob­lem of...» you have lost control. If you have included the "problem" in your talk - and perhaps have even admitted that this is a valid point - it takes the wind out of audi­ence opposition.

Mentioning several aspects of the problem and giving the opposition's views also makes the speech more credible. It establishes objectivity, and it treats people as mature, level-headed citizens who are intelligent enough to understand the pros and cons. In addition, when you acknowledge the opposition, your advocacy of one viewpoint over another appears to be based on a systematic, logical analysis of all sides of the issue.

Hostile or unfriendly audiences present the greatest challenge. They are already predisposed against what you say, and they tend to reject anything that does not square with their opinions. Remember the old saw "Don't confuse me with the facts -my mind is already made up". The best approach is to find some common ground with the audience. This technique lets the audience know that the speaker shares or at least understands some of their concerns.


groundwork - подготовка

lengthy - продолжительный

rough draft - черновой набросок

scope - размах, охват (темы)

pertinent - уместный, подходящий

overview - обзор

advocate - поддерживать, защищать

bring up - поднять (вопрос, проблему)

take the wind out of someone - выбить почву из-под ног

commemorate - ознаменовать, отмечать

mature - зрелый

level-headed - уравновешенный

pros and cons - доводы «за» и «против»

hostile - враждебный

predisposed - предрасположенный

challenge - вызов; трудная проблема

tend - иметь склонность

square with - сходиться с чем-либо

saw - пословица, поговорка


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